This house has rows of animals all around it.
But not really animals you would associate with Christmas!
And a peacock. That's O.K. Christmas is not just about reindeer.
I have always loved the scent of lavender. And I have just found two new lavender items! Starbucks Lavender Vanilla coffee, and Clorox lave...
l love all those animals. That's my kind of decorations, fun and friendly and not very sophisticated. ❤️
Definitely some animals there that I wouldn't associate with Christmas. If you put a Santa hat on them they look festive though.
I love Eyeore and he is adorable. love the peacock too. Ann is right, Santa on anything is popular these days, I have ever seen 3 skeletons in Santa hats
Well HE did take two of every animal! lol
That is ONE pretty peacock decoration. I like the flamingos too! So many interesting things around your neighborhood, and you seem to catch them all. I love that!
So much creativity - again!
I really like the peacock. My parents had peacock when I was a teenager. I should try to find this peacock for them as a memory. ;-)
Love the way out there ambiance of the animals. The poem about peacocks is really good and the advice too. We must "strut our stuff" once in a while..
Good post as usual..
Crazy for Christmas, though they are fun.
Peacocks sure are pretty.
Oh, my! You find the neatest things...decorations...
I love this! You do have great photo ops in your neighborhood. There is a house with a lot of inflated Santa’s and animals, even a little pig. But what caught my eye at this house was a small 1-ft-ish sparkly flamingo in the front corner. I haven’t been able to get a picture of it though. Maybe next year.
That's quite a selection of animals indeed. I think my daughter would want the Eeyore one.
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