Sunday, December 29, 2024

New Year's At The White House

 Have you seen the inside of the White House at Christmas time? We watched a T.V. show where Jill Biden gave a tour of this year's decorations, while I snapped away!

Here is the big star over the front entrance

The East Collonade before

And after

Decorating the ceilings and chandelier with doves and other things

The Gold Star tree, where the names of men killed in duty are written on the star ornaments. The metal tree has star shaped layers and the six layers stand for the six branches of the service.

This room is completely decorated with those little ceramic trees that light up that almost everyone has.

This tree was made into a carousel. It was unable to stand without quite a bit of support.


And finally, this exquisitely decorated mantel 

“The White House is both a lighthouse and a haunted house.”

  • “It’s a monument to hope—but also a stage for scandal.”


  • Wishing you all a wonderful New Year!!!


roentare said...

It is indeed such a bubbly atmosphere

DeniseinVA said...

Thank you for taking all these great photos Ginny. I had not seen the tour. It all looks so beautiful and I thought the Gold Star Tree was particularly poignant.

Ann said...

WOW, that's some impressive decorating. What a transformation on the East Collonade.

Chatty Crone said...

Looks quite festive. ☺

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

May your new bear be full of joy, good health and all you hope for.

HappyK said...

Amazing and it all looks so pretty. That is some difference in the East Colonnade.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I have never taken the tour, but my great-grandson and his pre-school class went this year.
You got some great shots.

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you! ❤️

aspiritofsimplicity said...


Carla from The River said...

Happy New Year Ginny!! We toured our State Capitol building for Christmas and the Governor's mansion a few years ago.
It was beautiful.
xx oo

Red Rose Alley said...

Wow, looks so festive and pretty. I especially love those ceramic trees, and it got me thinking of the one I used to have that I gave away. It was a white ceramic tree with red bulbs that my aunt made. I always wish I had kept it. That carousel tree is wonderful too!

Happy New Year Ginny!


Shug said...

I have been in the Whitehouse, but not at Christmas. I am glad you took pictures of the beauty throughout this place. I can only imagine the true awesomeness of all the lights and decorations. Ginny, I do hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas....Happy New Years Eve to each of you.....Big Hugs to you.


 I have always loved the scent of lavender. And I have just found two new lavender items! Starbucks Lavender Vanilla coffee, and Clorox lave...