Wednesday, December 25, 2024

They're Baaaack!

 First, we did not get together with family today because of illness in the family. But we hope to get together very soon and I will post photos then. Till then, here are our three grands in their Christmas P.J.'s, snapped by our Daughter-in-law.

Do you remember the house I post that decorates wildly for every holiday? The one that even paints the house with seasonal colors? Well, here it is, I snapped it just today. They seem to have been gone for about a year, and now they are back.

This time, they added an entire temporary dormer to the house, kind of like a clock tower! I have circled it in blue.

Here is the very top of it.


roentare said...

Wow, it's incredible to hear that the wildly decorated house is back! Their dedication to transforming their home for every holiday is truly impressive. A temporary dormer that looks like a clock tower? That sounds like they've really outdone themselves this time!

Ann said...

Sorry to hear someone is sick. The girls look fabulous in their matching pj's. I can't get over how big they all are.
That house is really spectacular. They really did go all out. I think they outdid themselves with this display.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your girls look like someone waved a magic wand and flipped them into young women. they seem to be rapidly growing and growing.. I think the owners of the house must be artists. some of the houses in the village of the arts have things like this.

Jeanette said...

Wow they really did go to town on that house! Hope all ill people in your family are feeling better soon!

DawnTreader said...

As usual I almost can't believe all the work those people put into decorating their house and yard... Nice photo of your granddaughters, I hope whoever is sick will be feeling better soon.

Inger said...

Your grandkids are growing up, so pretty and so fast. It's always fun to see their picture.

Chatty Crone said...

I am sorry that someone was sick and Christmas was cancelled for the day. I hope everyone is feeling better soon.
Gosh the girls are so big and beautiful!
And boy - those people came back and came back with a vengeance- I like it though - I agree with Sandra - must be an artist.

photowannabe said...

Your Granddaughters get more lovely with each passing day, so grown up too. How does that happen??
Sorry there is sickness in your family..hope all is well soon so you can get together.
Wow, that is some decoration on that house. The reindeer are exceptional.

HappyK said...

Love the girls in their PJ's and slippers!!
That. house is just crazy!!!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my goodness that is a lot of work to do that to your house at every holiday. No wonder they took a year off. Your granddaughters are beautiful. I'm sorry you were not able to get together but glad you will have a chance to see your family soon. Merry Christmas.

Asep Haryono said...

It is privilege to read your stories here . and I am proud of your family get together which obviously shown on this photos. Hopefully you will always enjoy every moment with your loved one my friend. May your Christmas will be filled of happiness and joy for the rest of your life

Greetings from Indonesia

Rose said...

I forgot about that house! I cannot imagine painting my house that often.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love those matching PJs. What a great picture. And your neighbors are amazing with their decorating. I'm sorry you couldn't get together now, but you're still closely connected. We talked to Kaitlin both Christmas Eve and Day. ❤️

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Your grand girls are lovely! That house is a bit over the top, but how cool to have that Christmas spirit so much that you paint your house in merriment! I had to laugh at the declutter's been happening at my house all year, but after my leg injury, not so much. Now to get back at it!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, the girls' matching pj's are so cute. I just watched a Christmas movie, and the family had matching pj's. It guess that's really in right now. Wow, they really go all out when decorating this house. I remember it being green at one time? That reindeer with the white snowflake antlers is so cute, and the Nutcrackers are BIG! Be sure to show us what they do around Valentine's Day!


Carla from The River said...

I love the Christmas pj's and slippers too. The girls are so beautiful and GROWN UP!!!

That house is AMAZING! I wonder where they store all the decorations?

DeniseinVA said...

I am sorry to know someone was ill over Christmas. Hope all is well now. The girls look adorable in their matching outfits. They certainly are beautiful young ladies. The house is amazing! I would love to know their story of how this all came to be. I bet it is fascinating to hear.

Ida said...

Your grands are growing up. - Wow that house goes all out for sure.


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