Monday, January 13, 2025

A Berry Good Time

 Berries are everywhere now! All different sizes and kinds. The birds must be very happy.

"Berries remind us that the simplest pleasures are often the most delightful."

The winter is kind and leaves red berries on the boughs for hungry sparrows.

John J. Geddes


Ann said...

That is a lot of berries. They look pretty. Are these all the same kind of bush or are some of them different.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are beautiful and I do love red. everytime I see berries like this I remember daddys' pyracantha bush on the front of our house. in winter the birds flocked and ate the bush bear and then flew over cars and anything in the yard leaving red deposits.....

Shug said...

This is a lot of berries on what I think are Nandina bushes. love the vibrant red color that they display,.

Inger said...

Yes, that is indeed a lot of berries. You don't get winter where you are, I mean really cold weather?

Red Rose Alley said...

These pictures of the red berries are so pretty, Ginny. There are so many of them! I always thought these were poisonous to eat, but I guess not if the birds can eat them. I really like that quote at the end. Thank you for all the prayers about the fires, Ginny, and for Nel and Jess' safety. Always love coming over here and visiting with you.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I was just telling my husband I want to plant some pyracantha bushes and holly for some winter color!! They are so bright and cheery. The birds get drunk on the berries.

Chatty Crone said...

It's hard to believe you have all those berries in the winter! Awesome and so beautiful for the birds!

photowannabe said...

Wowsers...gorgeous and that's a plethora of berries.

roentare said...

Berries have high amount of antioxidants and soluble fibres to keep good gut health

HappyK said...

The red berries are pretty and really pop out.

Susan Heather said...

What a wonderful array of berries.

CheerfulMonk said...

We used to have pyracantha bushes in California when I was a kid. That brings back memories. 😊

DeniseinVA said...

I love this time of the year when all the berries are on display. You took great photos of them.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Good grief, that is scads and scads of berries! The birds around there must be berry fat, haha! xoxo

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