Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Cake Boss

Our son and his family are coming over tomorrow evening. It will be his 43rd birthday, and we will be giving him his gift and eating out. I just now got home from the grocery store, and look what I found!! Have you watched The Food Network show "The Cake boss"? Well, the Boss is making his cakes and shipping them frozen to grocery stores, and I bought this one!! So tomorrow after we return from dinner, this cake will be brought out to everyone's surprise! What is IN the cake? Well, you will just have to wait until we cut and eat it, which I will show in my next post!! Feel free to guess the price of this cake. If enough of you guess, then I will tell you the price.

“If you preach, just preach God’s Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don’t take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don’t get bossy…”
Romans 12


Ruth Hiebert said...

That cake looks pretty good.I'm guessing there could be ice-cream in it.As for price,maybe 15.00.Who knows,I'm not good at this.

Chatty Crone said...

Happy birthday to your son!
That cake is beautiful!!!
And I am going to say $43!

Let me know.


Jeanne said...

I'm sure it'll be yummy! My guess on the cost - $30. Happy Birthday to your son!

Terra said...

What a clever icing theme for this cake and I am guessing $35.

Ruth Kelly said...

I can tell you right now that that cake is too pricey for my budget. My daughter loves Cake Boss and I've watched numerous episodes with her. Enjoy!

SquirrelQueen said...

It is a beautiful cake, I love the bow. Everyone will be very surprises when you take it out tomorrow.

I'm going to say $22.50. Can't wait to hear what is inside.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy Birthday to your son... Love the cake although I've never heard of The Cake Boss... Of course, I don't watch the Food Network...

Bet that is one expensive cake... Bet it has ice cream in it... I will guess $25 --but it may be more than that... Gads!


Cheryl @ TFD said...

I know the cake is pretty and sure looks yummy! I'm guessing it costs around $30. My first thought was $50 but that seems really expensive! Happy Birthday to your son!

Ann said...

I've heard of the show but have never watched it. Now I know a sales rep had a flyer of items one time that included these cakes and I recall gasping at the cost but can't remember what it was. I'm going to guess $30

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Happy Birthday! I've heard his cakes are very pricey.

Thanks for stopping by Sandie's blog and commenting on the post for my book.

Merry Christmas,
Susan J. Reinhardt

P.S. I'm now following your blog. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

26 dollars... or more... Happy Birthday to your son and youall have fun now, you here?

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Happy birthday to your son!! And I want some of that cake for breakfast!

Alice said...

What a pretty cake. I'm going to say $25.

Hootin Anni said...

My guess is that there is ice cream inside the cake and the price about $50

Hootin Anni said...

...and I forgot to add that hope he has a happy birthday.


Arti said...

Yum! I want a bite too! Happy birthday to your son and as for the price -- well, I will tag it at $50.

Linda said...

Happy birthday to your son. Love that cake!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I have seen his cakes before, and it seems they run $30 - $40. It's a beautiful cake!

Donna said...

FUDGE and about 35 bucks?

Rosemary said...

I came visiting via Filip at Travels - Ballroom Dancing.
I live in the UK so not sure of prices but guessing $29 and the filling is fudge!!!

Rosemary said...

I came visiting via Filip at Travels - Ballroom Dancing.
I live in the UK so not sure of prices but guessing $29 and the filling is fudge!!!

George said...

I've always heard that these cakes are awesome. I look forward to seeing what kind of cake you found.

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