Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Long and Winding Wall

                            See this gate? There is something special behind it. So let's go in, shall we?
                                     Let's go through the portal and walk on the path.
And here it is...Virginia House, in Richmond Virginia.  It is made from the materials from a 16th century priory in England. They were shipped here and the house was built from them.
                            Here is part of the decorative facade and chimney, edited a bit to make it pop.
                                      Here is one of the beautiful stained glass windows.
As you see, there was a chain over the entrance, so I had to take all these pictures from the street. But I did not care, because I think the best thing about this house is out on the street, not inside. It is this huge, winding and curving wall. Though I researched it well, I have not found out anything about the wall! But that is O.K., too. I always did love a mystery!

The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy. ~Jim Rohn

“…build a wall, invite a burglar.”
Proverbs 17


Optimistic Existentialist said...

I totally need to putting the Virginia House on my bucket list :)

From the Kitchen said...

I've been there and seen that! Love seeing it again through the lens of your camera.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i stopped to stare at that amazing wall in your header before i read the post.. the wall is most definitely the attention grabber. wow... awesome building to... i have this mental picture of you straining to take photos over that wall and through the gate, kind of like me on tiptoes with the giant robot.. good job Sister Snapper

Alice said...

I would love to have a wall around our property:)

Lovely house.

Hootin Anni said...

This is amazing!! And to think the stone and materials were shipped here to build this 'castle' I'm in love with it. Rich in history and rich in beauty.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

The curvy wall is so interesting. Beautiful place!

crafty cat corner said...

Over here a lot of the really old houses had what they called 'walled gardens' all closed in by the high wall to protect the fruit and veg gardens, maybe this is what your wall is?

Ruth Hiebert said...

I agree,the wall is the best part. I love how it looks.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I definitely need to get the boys there!

Ela said...

WoW, such a beautiful place.

Chatty Crone said...

The walls looked curvy to me! Were they? And walls do keep out sadness and joy! Very nice photos today. I hope you are feeling good. sandie

Ann said...

What a nice little tour. That looks like a fascinating place. Love the wall too

LV said...

Thanks for sharing this history along with awesome house.

Marie said...

I would love to visit this house. I have a 2nd cousin that lives in VA. I can't wait to live in NC so I can actually see my family more often. :)
Great photos!
I've always thought that about building a wall...

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Ginny So you have a little bit of england, brick by brickover there. I love the curving wall.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful house with giant wall round...

Cindy said...

I'll be travelling through Virginia heading to my daughter's in NC and will be stopping to see this time. The wall is amazing, I don't know maybe the story behind it is they didn't want to remove all those trees, no that is silly those trees wouldn't of been there. Now you have me wondering, lol. Have a good weekend

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I'd love to visit there...and what you said about walls...very true.

Rose said...

I love that wall, too...but so would love to have a look inside of the place.

Tamago said...

The house is so lovely and stained glass windows are really beautiful! And I love this winding wall...what an unique looking wall!

SquirrelQueen said...

That wall is amazing as is the house. Bringing all the materials from England must have been quite the undertaking not to mention expense. You got some great shots Ginny even if you did have to stand behind the chain.

Dee said...

Oh My...that is quite the house :)

Ruth Kelly said...

How did I miss this one? It must have been when my grandkids stayed for four days Thanksgiving weekend. I love those windows - they are special.

Filip and Kristel said...

That's an amazing house. Sorry for not commenting so such lately, we were travelling the last three weeks.


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