Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Strange Houses Of Fall

Here is what some of the houses around here looked like last fall and this fall. And what have we here? A pink pig guarding some fall decorations. Does anyone have any idea how a pig is a fall decoration?

                                      The three stooges of the candy corn world.
                                            Something very common around here, a wagon decoration.
                                                  An orange ghost blowing in the wind.
                                              A house with beautiful crotons  on the porch.
A very skinny fellow napping in an Adirondack chair. I think he could use a few candy bars and some Ensure.
And here is a strange bird indeed. Actually, they leave him out all year, and move him around all the time. You never know where he will turn up. I can't figure out what the deal is. At first I thought it was a child's C.D. player.

                                       “Once again I looked up—another strange sight!” 
                                                                                                    Zecharaih 6


crafty cat corner said...

This is such a lovely idea to decorate for Autumn, we don't tend to do much over here wich is a shame. The children do go trick or treating and some people put out pumpkins hollowed out with a candle in but that's about it.
I don't much like the skeleton in the garden , gives me the creeps.
Thanks for the comment on the knitted suit, I agree with most people its a bit odd but I thought it was so funny.
Hope you are still keeping well
God Bless

Reanaclaire said...

Very nice deco, Ginny... interesting.. I thought it is winter now over there...

From the Kitchen said...

Virginia ham? I'd like to know what the deal is with that last bird(?) or whatever is.


Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love that second to last pic! And I have no idea what the pink pig has to do with fall LOL

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Your three stooges are very cute!

Alice said...

You find the coolest stuff. I like the orange ghost.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have never seen any where like where you live, with decorations outside all the time. you find the most amazing and different things... here the only thing i see is chairs, flowers and a few swings. no decorations other than a few Christmas and a lot of Halloween..we now have more Halloween out than Christmas decorations. our street used to have every house now there are 4 .

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Nice decorations except I don't care for skeletons:) strange but like pink pig

nateniale said...

This is a great idea. The effort that went into decorating the compound! No idea what the pink pig is for! To guard the house?

Cheryl @ TFD said...

That pink pig does look a bit out of place! It seems like people are decorating more and more for halloween now. I like fall decorations, but I'm not too fond of skeletons and such. You find the most interesting homes to snap!

S. Etole said...

Love that verse you chose to accompany your photos.

DawnTreader said...

Your choice of bible quote is priceless as usual :)

Ruth Kelly said...

I think someone just likes pink. Maybe, they wanted a contrasting color.

Ela said...

I think this is a good idea to decorate gardens. I have in the garden a lot of figures of animals,
Greetings :)

Linda said...

So cool and creative!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I guess this shows that each one has their own idea of beauty. Interesting decorations.

Ann said...

You never fail to find some interesting decorations. I have to admit that I'm completely baffled by the pink pig

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, People in your neck of the woods sure do have a sense of humor! Have a great Thursday tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Such an interesting area you live in Ginny. It sounds like if life gets dull, all you have to do is take a little drive to liven things up a bit. Love it! :)

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny! A pig? Different, for sure! You have some really fun photo's here! You are always on the lookout... Ms. Roving Reporter ;-)
Hey, you didn't have your surgery did you? I hadn't heard anything ... was wondering.

Chatty Crone said...

You sure do find some wonderful photos Miss Ginny! Love the pig. sandie

Cindy said...

Hi Ginny, it sure was nice to look back on some Fall especially after all the snow we got a couple of days ago,lol. I don't know but the guy on the adirondack chair looks just too real to be there. The little bird or whatever he is is cute, so he moves about so people have to look to see where he is next, interesting.

Rose said...

The pink pig is funny...maybe that last thing that is moved around all the time is just to keep people like us wondering!

SquirrelQueen said...

The pink pig does look a little strange with the fall decorations. I wonder if they use him with their Christmas decorations too. He is kind of cute.

That little bird is silly looking but in an adorable way. It does look like he may have been part of a game or something.

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