Saturday, December 7, 2013

Pink & Black Polka Dots

Not too long ago, a new bakery came to town, "A Little Something Sweet". It is also a little something pink and a little something polka dot! Let's start with their polka dot trash can.
                                                                  This pink polka dot Coke machine
                                          The black chandelier is fabulous against the pink and black polka dot walls.
                                                      They have their own sweet tree.
                                                               A pink and black poodle cake.
                                                        This was the scene on opening night in this tiny bakery.
                                                 And here is what the whole effect of the room looks like.
Pretty sweet, huh? My nest post will be the second half of this bakery post. By the way, we are getting the snow and ice storm tonight, so if you don't hear from me for awhile, you will know we have lost power..

A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.  ~Author Unknown

It’s not smart to stuff yourself with sweets, nor is glory piled on glory good for you.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Looks like a cute place!

From the Kitchen said...

Love it! Are the baked goods as delightful as the decor? Take care in the storm!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am not a fan of pink, but i do love this bakery. glad you showed us the long shot. it is really beautiful, black is my favorite color and all those polka dots are happy looking... me to on a cookie in each hand. LOL.. can't wait to see the rest of this

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this would make a cute little girls bedroom, minus the table of course

Reanaclaire said...

Very impressive and cozy too! Hope the storm is not too strong over there... Take care...

Ann said...

very cute. A big hit with the girls I bet but maybe the boys wouldn't want to be caught dead in

Ann said...

I forgot to say stay safe and warm in that storm

Anni said...

You never cease to amaze us with what you find in your life. This pink and polka dot decor is extraordinary. I love it. And a bakery to boot?-----oh yum.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

That's an awesome looking Coke machine!!

Alice said...

I love the chandelier.

Unknown said...

that is an interesting interior, pretty cool

Rose said...

Oh, my, i have never seen anything like this....and I love it. This would be such a fun place to take Lorelei.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I wish that business luck and happiness. rest snapshots! Stay warm and safe in your coming worm. Warm and partly sunny here in Marion County, FL today. That's why I no longer live up in TN. Have a great coming week!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Very cool looking bakery! I predict it will be a huge success. I always wish new business well in this economy. It a big risk nowadays to start a business, isn't it?
Have a nice afternoon and stay warm. Hope you can keep in power!

S. Etole said...

You share the most interesting things. Hope all goes well with you through this storm.

Linda said...

Very sweet. I love the Coca Cola machine!

Shug said...

Oh wow....that is a lot of black and pink and dots.......Very, very cute!
One year, our youngest daughter decided she wanted her bedroom to be wallpapered with black, white and Pink stripes. We did it, but I think I like the dots best!!!!


Tamago said...

What a cute bakery! I love polka dots and pink & black is a very pretty combination! The poodle cake is so cute!
Stay warm and safe, Ginny. Happy weekend xoxo

Ela said...

Hello Ginny ! Such an interesting combination of colors. Black and pink decor is sweet but it's not my favorite.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I would go to that bakery just to be in such pretty surroundings.

SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, you always find the most fabulous places. The decor in the new bakery is awesome, it's the dots I really like.

I hope the storm doesn't get too bad in your area and your power stays on. So far we are just getting very cold temps but there is ice in the forecast.

crafty cat corner said...

I have a bright yellow flip top bin in my kitchen, this makes me want to cut out spots and stick them all over it. lol

Marie said...

You find the best and most fun places! I love when businesses do something different to stand out. This bakery is adorable and fun!

Ruth Kelly said...

Looks like a fun place.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love that cute poodle cake!

Dee said...

What an adorable creative space..:)

Unknown said...

How fun to have a new bakery in town, especially such a cute one. Hope it's a good as it is darling, well, maybe not - that could be very dangerous!

Cindy said...

Wow spectacular pink and black poka dots. The bakery is beautiful in these colours. Cakes, trees, gift bags and circles on the walls, nice.

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