Monday, December 16, 2013

The Love Bugs

Around here, people seem to love their little VW Bugs almost as much as their pickup trucks! They put them out front decked with Christmas lights: A Christmas car instead of a Christmas Tree.
They make them into an actual wrapped Christmas present and put more presents where the wheels should be.
And they love them so very much that they don't get rid of them until they look like this.
Yes, our little Love Bugs are much beloved. Maybe almost as much as people used to love their transportation many, many years ago.

“All the king’s sons got out as fast as they could, jumped on their mules, and rode off.
He had thirty sons who rode on thirty donkeys and had thirty towns in Gilead.”
Judges 10


Reanaclaire said...

Some people are very creative.. not me though.. Do post up more so that I can have some ideas! hahaha..

Annie Jeffries said...

I used to have a bug. Had a VW van too. Fun times. They are long gone now.

S. Etole said...

Haven't seen one of those for quite some time. Someone had fun decorating.

From the Kitchen said...

I love seeing "things" through your camera's "eye"! What a sad little bug for sale.


Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh wow this is so awesome!!!

Alice said...

I love the last picture. I wonder if anyone will buy it?

Hootin Anni said...

I've never seen the likes of this before. But think about it, it's kinda neat.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I've always loved those VW Bugs.... My brother used to have one --and it was a great 2nd car. One of my sons always wanted a Tennessee Orange one...

Great set of photos.. Love the one all decorated for Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Small Kucing said...

My uncle used to have one too

photowannabe said...

We loved out little VW bug too. We literally drove it until it would run no longer.
Love the cars all decorated too...quite fascinating.
To answer your question about driving on that road I just posted...yes we did drive it last Sunday. It's Highway 5 that goes from our home in Northern California , through the Valley, over the mountains to Southern California. The area is called The Grapevine.
It really wasn't scary at all. Good road and on-coming traffic has an entirely different road to take.
Thanks for asking.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i was so happy to see Christmas bugs and no the dreaded love bugs we get here. bob would love to have that last one, we have talked about getting one for years. love the lightedone

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I remember when their were so many of them on the roads.

George said...

I don't think I've ever seen a Christmas Love Bug before. I must admit that they are pretty neat and also unique.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Well- that sounds a bit strange to me, but hey- folks around here park all kinds of old trucks and cars out in the yard..but I don't think I have ever seen one dressed up for Christmas!

Ann said...

Well it's certainly different. I've never quite seen the attraction of the bug myself but to each his own :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Ginny, I love this post. There is nothing around these days like the old style bugs. The one decorated with lights is my favorite. I'm thinking the last one will have a new home soon.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I have seen several yellow VW bugs and they will have a bouquet of sunflowers by the steering wheel! Weird how many have the same idea.

Donna said...

We owned a red one! LOVED it...

Tamago said...

I love the idea of Christmas Car! These decorations look so pretty.
When I was a small child, I heard that if you see three VW cars a day, you will become happy :-)

Cindy said...

I use to have one, not the Wrapped one but to drive. I love your post today it makes me feel like going to the car lot and buying hubby (me) a car and putting a ribbon on it. Not this year, lol Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Huii Ginny, Almost everyone I know has owned a VW of some kind in their lives. I have but that was a very long time ago and it was the bus model. So, I enjoyed seeing the decorated ones in your series of pictures today. Have a supremely great day today and enjoy all the art around you.

Connie said...

I had a little orange bug. It is the car that I sold to buy my guitar, so when I miss it, I just remember how much more I enjoy my music :)
Ginny, thank you for all of the lovely comments that you have been sending my way. I truly enjoy your friendship.
Merry Christmas!
Your blogging sister, Connie :)

LV said...

I have seen a lot like the last one, but never like the first. I did not realize they were still so popular.

Dee said...

These bugs made me next car will be a bug...I have always wanted one but my hubby is to tall...if I had an old bug ...I would do this. LOL

Linda said...

This is fantastic, Ginny!

Ruth Kelly said...

I heard that the little bugs lasted forever. Poor little guy in the last photo looks as though he could still run but has really been through the mill a time or two.

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