Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Blizzard Update

I'm sure you've all been seeing on the news about what's going on here. A blizzard, perhaps record breaking. It's 10:30 P.M. Friday night, and has been snowing hard for almost 24 hours now. The snow is so heavy and wet that it snapped the chains on one of our local snow plows. At times it comes down so hard that it looks like fog, accompanied by winds and drifts. Between midnight and noon there have been 261 accidents and 240 disabled vehicles statewide. The weatherman said this is not even the worst. That is to come during the night and Saturday morning. The soldiers are here and trees and power lines could go down. As you can see, we still have power and are O.K. If we can just get through till tomorrow night. It is frigid outside, and we have no alternate power source. Since we've not been able to go out, these pictures are from the T.V. news. See the anchorman in front of a motel? Funny story about that. It's been filling up with local residents! People in town who have ventured out and can't get back to their house! So they have to check into a motel in their own city. I truly appreciate all of your prayers for us.

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress and deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:2


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well---I hope you are STILL okay this morning, Ginny. It's after 9:30 a.m. your time---and I'm thinking about you. This storm has been so ROUGH...

Please keep us posted when you can...

We have a little more snow here this morning--just a dusting but pretty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am glad to see you were able to post last night, hope to hear from you this morning, that will let me know you have power. that is the bad thing about cold and snow if it causes power failure. I thought I was the only one that took photos of the TV until i met you. we are a lot alike, had you noticed?

Our Journey said...

finally had time to read the blog..cracks me up the picture of Mi in the last post.. I'm just SOOOO glad that this snow storm is not near as bad as the one we had in December!! Looks like it's going to be almost 8 inches LESS snow than last time!! Whoohooo!! Maybe we'll be able to dig out by next week..heee..stay warm..

Stephanie V said...

Hope you're all doing OK in this storm. Looks like you had power last night anyway and not having to get to a shelter.

It's not much fun when our weather takes a turn in the wrong direction. I remember our last winter very well...we're not used to getting snow either.

Take care...stay warm and don't hurt yourselves shoveling.

George said...

I hope you are still okay and that the worst is now over for you. It must truly be bad when people from the town can't even get back to their own homes. Stay safe (and warm)!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad to hear that your storm wasn't as bad as originally thought. BUT--be safe no matter what for the next several days.

You do have Option 3 marked on the comments.. That is the Blogger default --so you probably never realized that there were other choices.


happily retired gal said...

Yup ... I heard about the snowstorm and have been holding positive thoughts for all those affected. Staying indoors makes sense to me! Hope the worst is over and that no serious damage or loss of power occurs.

I've enjoyed catching up on your recent posts ... am glad you made it to the grocery store and back without having to check into the motel in town. Sounds like a real adventure in oh so many ways! Reading of your malt balls reminds me how I have nothing 'sweet' in the house and don't want to go out in the rain to buy anything either. I suppose it's for the best health and weight-wise ;-)

I was sad to see the panda return to China too. I suspect it will be an adjustment for all concerned.

Hugs and blessings,

SquirrelQueen said...

I'm glad to hear you still have power, in storms like this one that is a blessing. Stay home and stay warm. We are still having thick fog, I would rather have snow.

Yet Another Mystery

 To all of you who identified my mystery flowers; thank you so much! Hellebore is a new flower for me! And now I have another mystery. It is...