Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jesus At Mardi Gras?

This past Tuesday was Fat Tuesday, otherwise known as Shrove Tuesday (meaning "to repent") or pancake Tuesday. In fact, no other day of the year has as many names. It is Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Fat Tuesday is one last, gluttonous fling before Ash Wednesday and Lent, the season of repentance and sacrifice. Fat Tuesday is the exact opposite of Ash Wednesday. Above are pictures of Mardi Gras I took from the news, and a King Cake I snapped in the grocery store. In New Orleans, they eat King Cake for Mardi Gras. It has a tiny baby hidden somewhere inside. Whoever gets the baby has to host the next party. But the history of this cake is chilling. In pre-Christian religions in Europe, they ate the King's Cake once a year, and whoever got the bean or coin hidden inside was treated like a king for a year. Then he would be sacrificed and his blood spread over the soil to ensure a succesful harvest. Yipes! Someone notify Stephen King, horror writer par excellance!! I read a great article by Dr. James Denison that said that many think Christianity is the opposite of fun and that God is a cosmic killjoy. Oliver Wendall Holmes wanted to be a pastor, but said that they looked and acted like undertakers. But here's the thing: Jesus' enemies accused him of being a glutton and a drunkard and a friend of sinners, and criticized him for going to too many parties (Matt. 9 & 11). Jesus compared the kingdom Of God to a wedding feast. So what do you think, would Jesus be at Mardi Gras?


SquirrelQueen said...

If it weren't for the fact I don't care for massive crowds I would love to go to Mardi Gras just once. But I would probably watch from the safety of a hotel room overlooking the parade.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think Jesus would not be happy with Mardi Gras, he would attend, but to spread his love and not to particpate in the carousing

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well since I lived in New Orleans for 5 yrs. and participated in Mardi Gras and LOVED it, I think that Jesus would have loved it...

NOW---I will say that we stayed on St. Charles Ave in the more family-oriented area, and not down in the French Quarter --with the 'not-so-nice' people...

What I don't know is whether Jesus would have been with us---or down in the French Quarter..... Hmmmmm... I'll bet he would have been in the French Quarter --- convincing the 'heathens' to follow him!!!!!! Ya think????

At least, I'm sure he would be there. We loved it--and it was just SO much fun!!!! Jesus loved to have fun, don't you think?


Yet Another Mystery

 To all of you who identified my mystery flowers; thank you so much! Hellebore is a new flower for me! And now I have another mystery. It is...