"Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west." Isaiah 43:5
Today was Gotcha Day for Phil & I. This is a term used by adoptive parents, and it is the day that they finally get their child. As grandparents, our Gotcha Day was the day we were at the airport to meet our new granddaughter for the first time as she landed on American soil. Our son and daughter-in-law had gone to China to get her. The less said about Chinese orphanages, the better. I will just say she had been mistreated, and at ten months old, was a sad, mistrustful, and sick baby. The first two pictures show it all. The first is still in China, the second is landing at the American airport. Our son and daughter-in-law were well prepared for this, though, and were armed with plenty of love and knowledge. In a short time, they turned Anne Marie around to the happiest, most joyous, full of life child we have ever seen. A wonderful blossoming to behold. The next picture shows her now. To celebrate the day, we brought them this cake with the three of them on it, dressed as they were that day at the airport. The cake is all edible. We ate pizza and watched a living miracle as she pranced around the room, now filled with only good memories of her life in America with mommy and daddy.
"Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me." Matthew 18:4,5
ginny, what a wonderful story. i did not know she came from China. I have heard the stories of China from a missionary that lived there for several years. she was an undercover missionary and went as a college English teacher. I am so glad for you and for your family that you found this precious child. she is truly beautiful and the joyful light does shine from her.
Beautiful child and a lovely story.
What a great story, Ginny. I know you are proud of your son and daughter-in-law. I have two more blog friends who have adopted in China. I'm so happy. These children are gorgeous --and will have a great life in the USA.
Congrats your son and DIL for me!!!!!
Anne Marie is a beautiful child, the sparkle in her eyes reflects the love that surrounds her.
I have to admit I saw Journey to Anne Marie on your blog roll and I have read some of her story. I will be reading more.
Happy Gotcha Day to Anne Marie and your whole family.
I like the idea of Gotcha Day. Anne Marie is indeed a beautiful child. Your son and daughter-in-law are true heroes for rescuing her from a terrible life. Unwanted girl babies do not fare well in China.
Anne Marie is so lucky to have been adopted by your family, Ginny. She always looks so happy and I'm sure she gives you all so much joy!
God bless this child and your family, this truly is a touching story. I say you all are blessed and only wish more of the children were adopted. I know how long it can take and all the hoops one has to jump through. She is adorable!
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