Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Me &The Snails

If you complain about the world moving too fast, slow down. ~Mike Dolan

How do you like these blown glass snails? They are in our local glass blowing store and school. I used to be pretty fast, passing other people by. Now I am slow like these snails, and others are passing me. Maybe slow is better. While others rush past me, I notice more than they do...little things and pretty things.  And the bible never says that Jesus hurried anywhere. In fact, even with all he had to accomplish in his short life, he always seemed to take his time and make a point not to rush. So I don't mind stepping aside when others want to pass me anymore. Life in the slow lane has it's benefits.

 “The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion.”
Numbers 14


SquirrelQueen said...

I like all of these beautiful snails especially the red one. With their wide eyes they should be able to see everything. Slower does have it's advantages when you run across lovely little things like this Ginny.

Poetic Soul said...

I don't like snails since the day one crawled on me while I slept but looking at these beautiful pics makes me like them a little.. Gorgeous

Bobbie said...

Amen and Amen to that!

Ginny, you always have the coolest pictures... I love the snails.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE these snails... especially the ones in the header... i love blown glass and also like snails.. would love to see this store. as for the passing of slow people, in a store or parking lot i am the one on full speed ahead blasting by and around the slow people and i will go to aisles out of my way to go around slow people. now out in nature, i am the one that is not only slow but stopped to snap... i walk so fast that when i walk in the mall with friend Jo, she keeps grabbing my hand and saying slow down... i leave bob 10 steps behind me most of the time.. maybe i walk like i talk...

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

They are beautiful creations!

Fred Alton said...

Love this post, Ginny! You are one of God's great creations. You are much more special than the snail as you handle the adjustments life has given you in such an up-beat way. Prayers and good thoughts are sent your way today.

Ruth Kelly said...

They are lovely. I especially like the first one.

Anonymous said...

beautiful post and such wonderful inspiration, the glass balls are beautiful!

Ruth Hiebert said...

It's ok to be a little slower. Like you say,that way we see more. Those glass snails are attractive and they wouldn't cause any problem.I actually don't know whether snails cause problems.

Ann said...

those snails are really cool. I think taking things slower is a much nicer way to move through the day

Lady Jane said...

I agree, life in the slow lane does have its benefits, even if I didnt choose it and it found me, lol....

George said...

I've never thought of you as being as slow as a snail. But I really like your blown glass snails -- they're beautiful.

Unknown said...

I need to slow down a bit, I often feel like I'm "running" through this stage of my life, I might need to slow down and smell the snails .............. I know Jesus does! :_)

LC said...

Loved those snails. I do not, however, like slugs. Oh, and I am in the slow lane now, too.

Chatty Crone said...

I think slow is better - you see a lot more. I like that quote. And you find the most fun and colorful things. I opened your post and saw the two glass snails and I wondered - what????

Linda said...

Hi Ginny, I love the snails...and the quotes. People are unfortunately so hurried these days, but it doesn't hurt, and, in fact, is much better, if they would take time to appreciate all the beauty that God has given us...and to slow down. Thanks for sharing.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, I too am much slower now than I used to be. I learned to slow down and smell the roses. Yeah!

I'm not a lover of snails --but the glass ones are quite creative... Thanks for sharing.

Karin said...

At a snail's pace - yup, that's how I move some days! Slow and steady wins the race. I'm not fond of real live snails though and especially not the slime trail they leave, but these glass ones are very creative!

Rose said...

I really like them...wish I could see them in person.

momto8 said...

the whole world should probably slow down!
what fun snails!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm much slower now, too. Everyone else seems to be in such a hurry these days. I want to tell them to slow down and enjoy life! The snails are very unique...love them!

Marie said...

These snails are pretty and really different. I've learned to slow down and partially had to. My mom is always so fast, rushing around and she talks fast. I tell her to slow down and relax. :)

Tamago said...

These snails are beautiful!! How creative!
I love the quote...I think it's important to slow down sometimes. This reminds me of famous slogan in Japan (my home country) which is, Small Japan, where do you go in such a hurry? We can learn to slow down from snails :-)

Hootin Anni said...

I LOVE blown glass. And wish I could find a place that does this for a consignment...I've always wanted a hand blown Santa. LOL

Love the snails I do.

Anonymous said...
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Mary Bergfeld said...

Slow is fine with me, Ginny. I am always amazed by the beauty some folks are able to craft from glass. The snails are beautiful. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Wonderful creations and I LOVE that Mike Dolan quote!

Filip and Kristel said...

Artistic snails. Interesting.


Dee said...

Slow has added blessings to it. when in a hurry you never get to appreciate the beauty of glass snail's.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...