Monday, April 15, 2013

The Little Worm That Wasn't

Every spring and summer, we usually get a few of these cute little worms. They are very tiny, maybe an inch long. They move very slowly and if you disturb them, they curl into a spiral. Sooo cute! And then I found out what they are...Millipedes!!! YIKES! If they weren't so cute and slow, I would be terrified! Millipedes were the first animal ever to live on land and there are 10,000 species! And even though they have hundreds of legs, they can only walk slow because all the legs get in their way. They must have just as much trouble walking as I do, so I guess me and the millipedes are sort of a pair.

“And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.”
Genesis 1


Anonymous said...

yep, thats a worm and yep its a little startling, lol, wow, great shots,

From the Kitchen said...

It could be worse! I think they are kinda of fuzzy-wuzzy cute!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Like most bugs, they make me shiver... How can a big ole woman like me be so afraid of bugs????? ha ha

Hope you had a great day.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Eeek! I'm not too fond of creepy-crawlies. Worms aren't as bad as spiders, though! I never thought of their legs getting in the way of each other! Interesting.

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SquirrelQueen said...

Millipedes are kind of cute in a wormy sort of way. It's the centipedes that creep me out.

To answer your question Ginny. Most of the Kitty Krew are strictly outdoor cats. Sissi and Spooky come inside to visit sometimes. The kittens really like Spooky.

Unknown said...

Smiling and snickering at your word "cute"....I don't see cute...I see "bug" get it kill it...I'm not afraid of it just don't want it in my house...outside I will walk a mile away from it to keep from stepping on it but INSIDE will find its maker really quick. Good Morning Ginny!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

My boys love these. They like to poke them and watch them curl up. They just call them worms.

MadSnapper said...

now I know for sure we are sista's separated at birth.. i would take these same shots and also look up what they are... i never harm them, we see them in our yard all the time

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

they are cute, if a worm can be cute:)

Connie Arnold said...

Great shot, but I have an aversion to all types of insects! Can't imagine trying to get so many legs coordinated to walk!

Tamago said...

Ohhh nooo I am terrified of millipeds! They have too many legs! Ewwww! But it's funny fact that they walk slowly because legs get in the way :-)

Shug said...

Do they sting? I always thought that they did. Pretty scary little fellas.

I really do not like bugs at ALL..


Donna said...

Awww! I Love it! You would think they could run fast with all those legs!Hahaa

Donna said...

PS- Oh, and no it wasn't me that won the woodworkers thingy! Wish it had been though!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Let's just hope they don't get pain in all those legs. :)

Ann said...

bugs and creepy crawly things don't bother me so long as they don't invade my personal space :)

Filip and Kristel said...

Insects are probably the strongest species on the earth. Today I heard that the cockroach already exists for several million years. So older than humanity, makes you think.


Linda said...

Great captures, Ginny. I have heard that worms can regenerate if they are cut into pieces. It makes me squeamish to think about it. However, God made them, so they, like everything else He created, have a purpose. Great post.

Chatty Crone said...

Okay Ginny - we get them too - I think it has something to do with moisture - but cute? No way. sanide

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Ginny you solved a mystery for me. I get these too and have always wondered what they were called. Now I have an answer!!

Arti said...

Hello Ginny, I was off blogging and hence am writing a comment after a gap.
I am also scared of these insects, infact I am terrified by the smallest of these creatures!!
Have a lovely day :)

LC said...

Not so cute to me, but our two Georgia granddaughters thought they were last summer. Hundreds were crawling up the door to the women's restroom in our campground in the Smoky Mountains National Park.

The little girls became engroosed in their own capture and release program, carefully removing them into the nearby woods. A far cry from earlier summers when the oldest would not come near the restrooms if she sighted any kind of creepy crawly or winged insect.

If the millipedes appear this year at least I can tell our fledgling entomologists what the are, thanks to your post.

Oh, and yes, Grandma Sugar is living with us for awhile.

LC said...

Oops! engrossed, not engroosed.

Marie said...

They don't bother me and I don't bother them. :) I love your kindness and positive ways. :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

What great shots. I can almost count the legs :-). Have a great day, Ginny.

George said...

I don't think I've ever described millipedes as cute, although I have also often seen them. I sometimes have trouble making two legs work -- I can only imagine what it would be like to try to make a thousand work.

LV said...

I am sure we will see a lot of these creatures plus others as we did not get a hard freeze to kill them out.

Dee said...

I am glad God only gave us two legs....I have trouble enough as it is.

photowannabe said...

Nope, don't like these creepy crawlies.
Great photos though....

momto8 said...

I didn't ever think they were cute!!!

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