Friday, April 12, 2013

Strange Happenings

Gold of the daffodil, drawn
Out of the cup of the dawn,
Gold of the daffodil, born
In the bright mines of the morn
Clinton Scollard

Well, it seems that we totally skipped spring and went right from winter into summer. Just a few days after a snow, it was 90 degrees. So you really can't  be surprised that the poor plants and flowers don't know what to do. Take these Daffodils; with no spring to prepare them, they just sprung right up and grew to about the size of a house. One has to be very careful walking under them in a stiff breeze, else they can knock you senseless.

“Attention, all! See the marvels of God! He plants flowers and trees all over the earth…Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.”
Psalm 46


Kalyan said...

simply beautifully captured shots ...lovely!

Ann said...

Those daffodils are very cool. We are still in a half winter half spring state here and not a flower in sight

Alice said...

I would love some 90s:)

From the Kitchen said...

Would you pop in and ask where the daffodils are from.
I want some!! We have NO color around these parts yet.
We also don't have 90 degrees. It's 35 right now. Brr!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I LOVE THESE FLOWERS. where did you find them? are they in a public place? or in someone's yard? my mother had so many of these jonquils and i love yellow flowers. they are amazing to me and i had a great laugh at the knocked senseless..we went straight to high temps to. AC on for the past few days...THEY said chance of rain for the last two days and next four and nary a drop, so i guess we missed our chance.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Wonderful shots, Ginny. I fear we are about to have a summer as hot as the winter was cold. I hope I'm wrong. Have a great day.Blessings...Mary

DawnTreader said...

Too funny! They say we'll be getting some warmer weather next week (hard to believe yet) ... I wonder if that comes with giant daffodils too!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You could start a new fad...daffodil trees! Cute post. We are cold one day and warm the next here in MO. Crazy weather. We have some spring colors in tulip trees, forsythias, daffodils. The grass needs mowing already. We will probably just go from cold to hot, too. That's the way it seems to work out now.

Have a great weekend. I'm waiting for hubby to get back from downtown and we're going to do some work outside.

Beverly said...

I was listening to talk radio out of Richmond the day it was hot...right after snow...well, not quite.

The radio host said that we had gone from winter straight to summer because spring had been canceled due to sequestration. Gave me a laugh.

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh everyone is talking about the weather but this is the first I've heard of 90's there. Gosh - those daffodils were gorgeous!!!!


Unknown said...

Nice and warm it seems - beautiful pictures.

Hootin Anni said...

Weather can be tricky these days. The snow, you can have. I'd much rather have the 90 degrees. Tho, of course I'd be complaining about the early heat. Never can please me. LOL

I LOVE the daffodil art.

It's been a busy week here in Texas, sorry for the delay in getting back to you to repay you a visit. Hope your weekend is going well.

Marie said...

Are those real??? Pretty color!
90's here and I can't stand it! Too hot too soon! :) But, life is good.:)

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh wow, those are daffodils on steroids! I wouldn't mind having those in my yard. We have had warm one day and wind and rain the next. It's in the fifties at the moment.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

LOL those should be in the Guinness Book of World Records :)

Filip and Kristel said...

These are really big flowers.


Rose said...

Ginny, what great big flowers you have!

Lady Jane said...

Love your post.... I want some daffodils like that in my lawn, lol... God Bless you guys...

Connie Arnold said...

Ha, what crazy weather! Great pictures!

momto8 said...

I would love them in my front yard!!
Happy Spring!

Linda said...

Hi Ginny, what a gorgeous and cheerful post and photos! Thank you so much for sharing, you have brightened my dull day here in Montreal.

Tamago said...

Snow to 90 degrees,,, the weather has been really crazy!
The big daffodils are very lovely!

LC said...

Wow! Are those public or private "daffydil" installations? You do find the most intriguing subjects for photos!

Annie Jeffries said...

I saw these on Facebook yesterday. Fantastic. AND. They fooled me at first glance. Very cool.

Small Kucing said...

You have a good eye in photography :)

Joanne said...

Wow! Now that's a flower! 90 degrees? Wacky weather lends for extraordinary surprises!
great picture.
Blessings, Joanne

Shug said...

Good Morning Ginny.

These are the first metal daffodils that I have seen. I have some metal flowers in my yard, but I do think that I need some of the gorgeous daffodils pictured in your photos.
Gonna have to find some I suppose.
Hope your day is great.

Unknown said...

Hehe, you make me laugh Ginny, these certainly are cheerful looking!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh my, the flowers are HUGE this year! ;-)

Dee said...

Someone has a green thumb. LOL

Anonymous said...

beautiful! We are so far from blossoms here its not even funny!

photowannabe said...

I certainly wouldn't have any trouble taking care of this type of daffodil...(:0)

S. Etole said...

What a colorful yard ornament. Still lots of snow here.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...