Monday, April 8, 2013

The One Who Smiles & Waves

You don't really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around - and why his parents will always wave back.  ~William D. Tammeus

This lady is a school crossing guard. But there is one strange thing...I have never seen her cross anyone. She has been at her post for so many decades that I can't remember a time when she wasn't here. She comes to her very busy intersection just as school is letting out. And there she stands, waving and smiling at every car that comes in her sight.  Huge friendly waves, big smiles.  She is kind of like a crossing guard cheerleader. Then Phil remarked that maybe her only job is to wave. You see, when she waves and smiles, the drivers wave back. And the result of this is that they SLOW DOWN right before they get to the school. Nice job!

“In your generous love I am really living at last! My lips brim praises like fountains. I bless you every time I take a breath; My arms wave like banners of praise to you.”
Psalm 63


Joanne said...

I just love where you live!!!! She looks like such a sweetheart. I bet she makes people's day with that wave and smile!
Blessings. Joanne

Reanaclaire said...

Not many people can take up this job and yet it is so rewarding... Smile Always, Ginny!!

SquirrelQueen said...

She has the most beautiful smile. I'm sure her smiling and waving makes everyone who passes cheerful. I couldn't help but notice her white cane. Do you suppose she is visually impaired or blind? I would love to know her story.

Unknown said...

What a fun post Ginny! She sounds like "an institution"! What a sad day it would be if she wasn't there, huh? She looks like she would add a ray of sunshine to even the darkest day!

Alice said...


Shug said...

How neat. Seems that she enjoys her job and when we enjoy what we are doing, it sure makes life great. It takes a love for the job to do something like this while knowing that the weather is NOT always going to be gentle.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

she certainly looks like she enjoys her job, cute little stand up slow down sign to... the few we have left here now, stand in the middle of the road and hold up their hands and let the kids walk across, but we have only a few, due to budget cuts...

Mary Bergfeld said...

What fun to read this! She looks like she is having a good time. Speaking of good times, I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Jeanne said...

We have a crossing guard like that too. He just waves at each person as they cross the intersection and you can't help but slow down, smile, and wave back. Therefore he has accomplished what he was after. Love the Bible verse too. Good story!

Donna said...

Could she be blind? I see she uses a white cane...but how refreshing to have someone smile and wave!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

How funny that she never crosses anyone.

S. Etole said...

What a generous thing to do.

Ann said...

Wave and smile. I could do that job :)

Rose said...

I think people forget what a smile the kids will always remember her cheerful face.

Linda said...

How wonderful! She has a beautiful, infectious smile. Great post!

Tamago said...

Oh yes, big smile and wave...what a great way to let cars slow down! She is really good! I love her nice smile :-)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Her smile and wave may be the only one that a few folks get some days. Certainly a worthwhile job just for that reason. Neat post!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh maybe he's right, they would slow down to wave!Thank you so much for your kind words today on my blog,

Dee said...

It is amazing how a smile or a friendly wave impacts people....I wish the world had more smilers and wavers in it. :)

Marie said...

She's awesome! Great post!

Chatty Crone said...

What a wonderful way (and cheap) to remind people to slow down! sandie

Fred Alton said...

Now this is GREAT! Glad somebody knows the purpose of their job. It is accomplished before most of the drivers really realize what is going on. Quite a contrast with the "baiting" on a recent tv show. I think it's sad that the police are allowed to put out a car and leave the keys in the ignition to entice young people to steal it - then when they take the bait - they get arrested. Just does not make sense to me. Much better to help them obey the law than entice them to break it. ☺

Fred Alton said...

Now this is GREAT! Glad somebody knows the purpose of their job. It is accomplished before most of the drivers really realize what is going on. Quite a contrast with the "baiting" on a recent tv show. I think it's sad that the police are allowed to put out a car and leave the keys in the ignition to entice young people to steal it - then when they take the bait - they get arrested. Just does not make sense to me. Much better to help them obey the law than entice them to break it. ☺

Beverly said...

I enjoy seeing her there. She looks like she loves her job.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...