Friday, July 4, 2014

A July Fourth Meeting

For the fourth Of July, we decided to go to the hot air balloon festival about an hour away. My blogging friend of forever, Lisa, lived fairly close, too. So I talked her and her family into meeting us there. Usually many balloons take off at once and it is a spectacular sight. Finally they got a balloon fired up, and just as fast they put it down! Seems it was too windy for flying. I felt so bad, because Lisa's three adorable little boys were with her. 

But the best thing for me was getting to meet sweet Lisa in person finally. She is so beautiful, and just as smart and gentle mannered.  And her boys are so polite and smart, it was a joy getting to know them! Gosh, I look like her grandmother!

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…”
Galatians 5


MadSnapper n Beau said...

those little boys are adorable.. so glad you got together.. to bad the balloons could not fly, i am thinking the hurricane out there is the reason.. the colors are wonderful and i like the collapsed balloon pic

Ann said...

too bad about the wind, that's quite a site seeing the sky filled with them.
Nice that you got to meet your blogger friend though.

S. Etole said...

What adorable little boys. The balloon is so colorful it must be quite a sight when in the air.

Hootin Anni said...

I really like the photo of all of you...those boys are so sweet!!! I bet she is a proud, happy mother!!

Shug said...

A sweet time. Glad the two of you were able to meet in person. I know it was a disappointment in not getting to see the balloons fly. Good picture of you all.

Tamago said...

How nice you got to meet your blogging friend in person! I'm sorry it was too windy but it must been really spectacular sight with huge balloon raising in the air.
Love the photo of you together!

Roan said...

So far, I haven't met a blogging friend in person. Hopefully some day. I'm sure the boys had a good time anyway. The ballon is beautiful.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You are fast! It will probably be a couple of weeks before my post is up. We had so much fun meeting you. The boys are still trying to master Phil's mouse trick.

Patsy said...

How nice to meet a blogger friend.

Anni said...

Just popping back here today to thank you for visiting the bird photo blog today....glad you enjoyed the birds I shared this week.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Unknown said...

What a fun day Ginny! Even if the balloon didn't go anywhere, it's so beautiful. I'm sure everyone enjoyed just being there!

Rose said...

Gentle spirited is the greatest compliment...I so wish I had that. And yes, you do look like your could be her mother...I think it is the way you both smile.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

She and her family are so great, Ginny! Although we no longer live there, she continues to be be close in heart!!!!...:)JP

DeniseinVA said...

How lovely Ginny, super photos. Happy you got to meet your blogging friend and her children. Do you think you would ever like to ride in a hot air balloon? I am not so sure I would have the courage.

LC said...

Well, you did sound rather like a proud grandmother. And how encouraging this post must have been to a young mother, working hard to raise three youngsters to be men of integrity and civility.

Grandmothers are younger and younger looking these days. And you are a great grandmother. And that is grat as in wonderful, not as in matriarch of two generations.

SquirrelQueen said...

How wonderful that you got to meet Lisa and her sons, the boys are adorable. I love the photos you got especially the one you used as your header.

It must be a bad year for balloon festivals. Ours is held the second weekend in May. This year the balloons didn't get to fly because of the wind and rain all weekend.

EG CameraGirl said...

It would have been so exciting to see many balloons take off, but still wonderful to see this colorful one fill up with air.

George said...

It's too bad that it was too windy for balloon flights, but I am glad you got to meet Lisa and her boys,

photowannabe said...

Sad the balloons couldn't fly but the winds can sure play havok on plans.
the winds have been a problem here in California too. Drought conditions make everything so dry. It seems there is one wildfire after another.
Isn't it fun to meet blogging friends?
That's how Bev and I met.
Great fun.

photowannabe said...

To answer your question Ginny.
No the guys aren't levitating. They are just jumping really high and Steve has a great fast camera.
Also, I am not giving up blogging, just ABC Wednesday weekly post.
After 7 years, (that's 14 times through the alphabet) I'm just not so inspired as I once was so a break is in order.
I will still post but maybe not as regularly as before and just posting what I feel like doing.
You haven't gotten rid of me yet!

Chatty Crone said...

THAT WAS SO COOL! I wish I could meet both of you!

Reanaclaire said...

Happy to see you meeting up with Lisa, your friend and her kids.. Adorable cute boys there!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...