Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Bean Eaters

It was twilight, and we were parked by a field waiting for the super moon to rise. We turned to look at the field, and look who had come out for dinner! Phil believes this was a bean field, and they were sure getting their fill. They did not even run from us, so they must have been very hungry. Thank you so very much for your kind comments on my last post!

“Hard and honest work earns a good night’s sleep, Whether supper is beans or steak. But a rich man’s belly gives him insomnia.

Ecclesiastes 5


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Ginny Lovely to see and photograph although I am sure the farmer would not be happy! thanks for your comment on my blog.

crafty cat corner said...

I love the faces of deer, so soft and beautiful.

Ann said...

They must have really wanted to those beans to not run off when you were there. Fun to watch them but like Margaret said probably not so fun for the farmer having them tromp through his crops

From the Kitchen said...

I believe those are soy beans. That would explain why the deer look so healthy!!


Hootin Anni said...

They do look like bean plants...soy bean maybe?

Love the deer.

Tanya Breese said...

oh aren't they just beautiful?!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh wow, i would love to see this bean eater.. i am sure the farmer doesn't feel that way.. but so sweet and what a sight to see.. some of the people here are having their yards dug up by wild pigs. in the paper yesterday a man paid a trapper to come and catch them and release out in the country.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Such beauties!! What a sight this must have been to see :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Uh oh! And they don't appear to be the least ashamed they are stealing.

Joanne said...

Oooooo those Deer better eat and run before the Farmer finds out!!! LOL!

Patsy said...

I love to see dear in a field but guess the farmer doesn't LOL

Tamago said...

Oh they are so cute! Sorry for the farmer but happy for deers to get yummy dinner :-)
Thank you for your comment. The kitty couch was bought from online store called Drs. Foster and Smith. Kitties love it :-)

Ruth Kelly said...

I am surprised that they are just not eating the greenery.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Great shots!

I posted about our meet up this past Monday! :-)

George said...

The deer that eat our flowers don't run away until we get almost close enough to touch them. Humans aren't going to interfere with their supper!

Ruth Hiebert said...

They do look like they are enjoying their meal.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Yes and that is why the Pres has a crop damage permit to help out his Uncle's crop...:)JP

Rose said...

Bet that was fun to watch them while you waited. My brother has deer eating his sweet potato vines! They are brave!

Roan said...

We see deer in the fields almost every time we go down to our garden, which is on my brother's farm. I love seeing them. Great captures!

Chatty Crone said...

They won't get fat eating beans - wonder what the farmer thinks!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

is there ever a thing that deer will not eat? silly creatures. i sure hope they did not eat too much. ( :

Shug said...

Down here, the deer love the pea fields. They can easily destroy a crop. Wonderful photos..

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My---we have a love-hate relationship with the deer. They are gorgeous but we hate it when they eat our flowers. The first thing I thought about when looking at your photos was thinking about that poor farmer who spent money and time planting those veggies... Sad!

Small Kucing said...

they are so tame looking

S. Etole said...

They look so alert and healthy. Glad you spotted them.

Angie said...

Such beautiful creatures :)

SquirrelQueen said...

You got some great shots of these beautiful fellows Ginny. Those beans must have been delicious since the deer didn't run away.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...