Saturday, July 26, 2014

Something Fishy Is Going On

These pictures are from last week at the duck pond. We came to feed the ducks, but ended up feeding the fish! The pond had a lot of fish. And they were huge, bigger than the ducks! The fish would push the ducks away and race ahead to get the food. They even came up to the fence and stuck their mouths out of the water! Brazen fish indeed. There was really not much we could do; wherever we went, so did the fish. We fed the few ducks that were up on land and then left. Such is life, the swiftest prevail. But in the next life, the meek will prevail!

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” ~ Matthew 5


Ela said...

Such amazing photos !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are great, the fish are as big as the ducks. they look like they are getting along with each other in their watery crayon box... great photos of the fish, it is hard to get them in a good shot for me

Ann said...

This reminds me of a place near here. There are huge fish like this and there are tons of them.

From the Kitchen said...

Great photos! Is that a private pond? It must have been stocked at some time.


Tamago said...

These are such great photos! Ducks on the pond and fishes under water. Looks like they are just comfortable with each other. I wonder what ducks think about fishes stealing their food :-)

EG CameraGirl said...

Yep, the fish are HUGE!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Ginny The fish are enormous and in fact longer than the ducks!!! Great shots.

Rose said...

The thing to do would be for hubby to go one way and you the other...maybe the ducks would stay with you and the fish follow him!

DeniseinVA said...

I've seen huge koi but never in competition for food with anything else. That must have been very interesting to watch. Great photos Ginny. Enjoy your Sunday :)

Roan said...

Beautiful, colorful shots!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

If I were a duck,I would be afraid of those monsters!!!!...:)JP

Unknown said...

No meekness in those fish! Wow, you can see that they've been greedy for a while now! Great shots!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those are some large fish.

Anni said...

That is amazing that the ducks would allow the fish to grab their fill. Hmmmm.

Thanks for visiting I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

How much fun was that??? Feeding the ducks and the fish had to have been lots of fun. Did you take Ella or Anne Marie with you???? BUT--even they wouldn't love it anymore than you did, I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Those hybrid Mallards are just great looking with the Koi. Have a super good day tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Those hybrid Mallards are just great looking with the Koi. Have a super good day tomorrow!

George said...

I don't think I've ever seen ducks sharing a pond with such large fish. You did a great job of getting pictures. I'm glad the ducks can at least get something to eat if they come up on land!

Filip and Kristel said...

The fishes are bigger than the ducks. Great pictures Ginny,


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Boy they really are huge fish!

Dee said...

some how I think this is not a good thing....they are hungry...not enough food for the fish. great photography though :)

Small Kucing said...

are those ducks or Chinese love birds ? :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Those Koi are beautiful but huge! If I were a mallard I would be a little afraid of getting nipped. Yikes!


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