Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I Need Your Advice

Look what my friend gave me last week! It is so cute! It is meant to put in the bathroom and hold extra toilet paper.

After giving it a kiss, Sunny made fast friends with the pink kitty. I think he was rather in love! I hate to break the news that Miss Pink Kitty is not real!

BUT here is my problem, and I need your help. I love this gift, but our bathroom is tiny and it will not fit. Even if it did, can you imagine our cats playing with the toilet tissue? Anything heavy on it, and it topples. SO, I know so many of you are very talented and crafty...what can I do with it?

“God keeps track of the decent folk; what they do won’t soon be forgotten. In hard times, they’ll hold their heads high; when the shelves are bare, they’ll be full.

Psalm 37


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Ginny That was very thoughtful of your friend.If it had more stability I could think of plenty of things you could use it for. You coul give it that stability by putting 2 pieces of longer wood at each end coming out from the unit.

Reanaclaire said...

What a cute cat decor you have there, Ginny! It will certainly look nice if it is put on a wooden table or window sill? Oh oh, I am not good in interiors.. hahaha.. anyway, do let us know where you finally put it eventually!

Ann said...

what a sweet gift. I think it would look really cute with a little plant on it's back. Of course if stability is an issue an artificial plant might be best but then you could always add a larger base to keep it from falling over

MadSnapper n Beau said...

with all the cat love going on i would think anything you put on it, Sunny would knock over. i say find a place to sit it and let it be a cat toy/decoration.. or sit it on your front porch if you have one.. i love the photos of Sunny and the cat and the edit in the header

From the Kitchen said...

Hmmm, you need to keep it close to Sunny! Maybe if you put something heavy on the bottom shelf it might help with stability. Let us know what you do.


Tamago said...

That's such a cute kitty! Not surprising Sunny fell in love with her :-)
It's same here, we can't put bathroom tissue within reach of our boys. One of them is determined to shred it. Maybe you can put some decoration items on the back of kitty?

EG CameraGirl said...

I love how Sunny approves of your new cat decor. :) But I can see it would be a huge temptation if you used it as intended.

Patsy said...

Try it as a door stop. We have a different one that a friend made and I use it to keep the bathroom door open.

Shug said...

Maybe just store extra rolls of tissue on your storage pantry. It's a shame that it won't work in your cute!

LC said...

I am not talented in that department, but I am in accord with your kitty, Miss Pinkie is precious. Hoping someone else has good ideas.

Small Kucing said...

can be a decorative tea table or to put your magazine?

Rose said...

I think I would leave it for Sunny...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Too cute not to keep out in view --even if it becomes a cat toy... If you can make it more stable/sturdy, you could put a little plant on it....


SquirrelQueen said...

I can tell Sunny is quite smitten with Miss Pink Kitty. I don't think he cares if she is real.

My idea would be to find a box for the bottom shelf and use it to hold cat toys. You might have to put something heavy, a brick for instance, to put in the box to keep it from falling over.

DeniseinVA said...

I was going to say use it as a planter but it is so cute it would make a lovely decoration on its own. Sunny is so cute too. This is a lovely gift from your friend Ginny.

Bobbie said...

Sunny is adorable!!
What a nice gift! It looks like you have been given a lot of good ideas. I'm curious to see what you decide.

Just Mags said...

Ginny, I don't really have any ideas for what you could use that adorable little kitty for. But it appears Sunny has claimed her for himself so maybe you could just sit it some place where he can enjoy it. It is cute just like it is.

It would be cute with plants too like some others have suggested.

Those are great pictures of Sunny with the cat. Hugs for you and nose kisses for Sunny!

DawnTreader said...

It seems like the cat has already decided it's his toy/friend...

photowannabe said...

What is it about cats and paper?
I think your Kitty would make a terrific planter.
Looking forward to finding out what you end up doing with it.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Put a fern on it - it'd make a really cute plant stand!

Hootin Anni said...

Sunny rubbing it like he did, that is to make sure he marked it with this 'territorial' scent. That is such a precious gift. Sweet. I would say, sit it by a recliner or chair/couch in the living room and use it to store the remote/tv guide.

Chatty Crone said...

Awe it is cute - I know you want to keep it - can it greet people at the front door?

Mary Bergfeld said...

Hang it on your kitchen or pantry wall and use it to hold spices.

Unknown said...
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Lady Jane said...

Hi Ginny, If this isn't too stable then I would take the two shelves out and glue the front of the kitty onto the back with the tail (you may have to stick pieces of the wood in between to make it 3 dimensional wouldn't know till I saw it together) and print welcome down the tail of the kitty, stick a calico bow around the kittys neck along with those hearts and hang it either on the front door or next to the door bell.

Unknown said...

Could you use it at the front door with a welcome sign on it?


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...