Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Results Are In!

You have been asking what I have done with the cat shelves, and I have just finished it! Thank you all so much for your awesome suggestions! You had so many good ideas, ones that I could never think of! I loved the suggestions to put a plant on it. So I got an artificial fern, as my blog friend LISA suggested. I put a jar candle in the bottom to give it some stability. And here it is! Now I need to think of a name for him, any suggestions? I actually know a woman named Fern...

“Don’t you realize that I have my shelves well stocked, locked behind iron doors?

Deuteronomy 32


Small Kucing said...

aha! you found a creative way to use the stand. Love it!

S. Etole said...

Looks really cute, Ginny.

RachelD said...

Thank you for your lovely comments and for joining in at Lawn Tea!!

Sweetpea is six, and has been with us several days a week since she was six weeks old. She has an enormous, soaring imagination and a vocabulary to match. She's a kind child, and really smart, loves to cook and make imaginary cuisine with craft, kitchen, outdoor or household items, usually cut into small pieces for soup or pie.

She's one of our Eight and Two Greats, scattered over eight states. We don't go on vacation---we go SEE chillun.

Thanks for asking---we have a lovely time together, though it's getting harder to watch the tide turn into her doing for me, reading to me, bringing me a snack, edible or pretend, for a tea party. Growing pains are SO much harder on grandparents.

And we tell each other stories, and she's featured in quite a few of the posts over the years.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Looks PERFECT.. I love it, Ginny. You chose a great thing to do with the the cat shelves.... PERFECT...


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

it looks lovely Ginny. How about 'smiley' or 'pink lips'?

Ann said...

That looks great with the fern in it, makes for a cute blog header too.
As for a name suggestion, I'm drawing a blank

Hootin Anni said...

One of my co-workers long ago before I retired was a 'Fern' too.

Loved how it turned out. Ingenious. And an artificial fern is perfect since it won't ever get water-stained.

I like the name Juniper. Don't ask me why, it just came to me.

DeniseinVA said...

Looks lovely Ginny and clever to add the candle for stability. When I looked at your cat's face, this old endearment I used to hear as a child came to mind. "Poppet". As in "Hello Poppet". Funny what pops into your head at times.

Tamago said...

Oh that looks beautiful! The kitty looks very happy with lovely fern and candle :-) Fern is a great name for him! If I think about other name..maybe Twinkle, because his eyes look like twinkling :-)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Ginny I absolutely love it!! You are so incredibly creative :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you picked the right thing to do. it is adorable.. i love love love the header shot.. really i do.. and the thing about this little kitty is it made me smile all the way through. that big smile is contagious. i think Fern is a good name..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

just thought of a name
"kittie Kat"

EG CameraGirl said...

It looks great with the artificial fern.

Patsy said...

I like it , call it 'Fern Kitty'.

George said...

I like what you've done with these cat shelves. Very cute.

Roan said...

Great job! I know this is probably a female kitty, but when I looked at it the name Humphrey popped into my head. lol

Shug said...

how cute did a great job and making your shelf adorable. So many cute names for this little lady.... Ginger, Cinnamon, Zoey, Princess, Lady, or sofie.

Let us know what you decide...

Reanaclaire said...

What a great idea your friend has suggested for you! Looks so good especially with some greens.. the cat is happily meowing now! hahaha..

Reanaclaire said...

So what name shall you give? Happy Meow! :)

Unknown said...

Cute, cute, cute! Looks like a Lulu to me :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

This was a terrific idea, Ginny.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Love it! The fern looks just right.
Have a happy weekend!

Lady Jane said...

The fern is perfect!!!

SquirrelQueen said...

What a wonderful idea for the shelf. I love that you used an artificial fern since it will survive if the shelf should get knocked over.

I think Fern is a great name. I've got two new foster kittens to name and my brain isn't working too well for those two.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Well done! Such a cute project. That is a sweet-looking piece of furniture and oh, so fun! Have a wonderful day!

Dee said...

Your so creative....I would not have thought of that.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...