Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Big Failure

See the table covered with tape.
All you can really do is gape.
Our kitty did not care one bit.
In fact, he walked ALL OVER it!
It did not stick to paws or cat.
And plus it's ugly; just look at that!
Feel free to laugh; I guess it's funny.
Too bad I cannot outwit Sunny!

Know this with all your heart, with everything in you, that not one detail has failed of all the good things God, your God, promised you. It has all happened. Nothing’s left undone—not so much as a word.”

Joshua 23


Anonymous said...

Sorry the tape did not work. My cats are "afraid" of aluminum foil, so I have that strategically placed to keep them off!!!

Ann said...

well it was worth a try. Now you know Sunny is just too smart

Magia da Inês said...


Bom mês de setembro!·..✿✿
♪♬♫°。 Boa semana!

Melanie said...

Many cats are repelled by citrus. I know mine is! If I eat an orange and hold the peel out to him, he backs away. Maybe you could try some type of orange peel potpourri or something along those lines. Hope you find something that works! :-)

From the Kitchen said...

I love your Ode to Being Outsmarted by a Cat!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I was 99 percent sure it would not work... i love love love the poem... how about a tomato cage LOL MOL...i can think of nothing to do to keep Sunny away... there is a spray but we tried it with a neighbor cat, spraying the front porch to keep it away. did not work... so either live with ragged leaves or have a specail giveaway and get rid of it.. LOL MOL BOL....
Baby has a new trick after 13 years, i am wondering if she is getting dementia... she removed boxes from the card board recyle that has been there 13 years, dragged my trash can out from under my desk, 3 times in the last few days, been there 13 years, and is on the hunt for anything paper....

Optimistic Existentialist said...

LOL too funny...pretty hard to outwit a cat ;)

Ruth Kelly said...

Try citrus smell, like oranges. Cats don't like citrus.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I thought that Mildred would have the answer... Get some aluminum foil PRONTO....

Cats are just so curious --and they won't let 'much' stop them from explore.. Good Luck.

Tamago said...

Oh well, at least you tried....:-)
It doesn't look ugly to me, but may be inconvenient for you as other things (your arm, plates, glass, etc) might get stuck...but not kitty. Haha.

P.S. About your comment, we don't have small children. Kids = kitties here :-)

Roan said...

Kitty looks like he is taunting you. I had hoped there would be a remedy. Guess not. lol

DeniseinVA said...

This did make me smile Ginny. When we had our little dog she used to dig down to the roots of our ornamental pear tree. Someone told us to spread hot mustard around the tree to get her to stop doing this. I think she was the only dog I ever met that liked hot mustard!

DeniseinVA said...

P.s. That sweet little kitty. Her picture says, Who me? I'm innocent!

DeniseinVA said...

And I do love your poem :). Have a great day!

Marie said...

Cats are so sneaky and fast! Our Fox knows "no", but he still tries us. lol

Tanya Breese said...

oh that is funny! what a cute poem too!

SquirrelQueen said...

Sunny's poem is so cute and very true.
I think the double sided tape only works if it covers the entire table. You can get the clear plastic runners (like the stuff that goes under office chairs) and put the nub side up, that works.
Good Luck!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Well. It was a great idea anyhow!

EG CameraGirl said...

Good for you for trying, Ginny!

Rose said...

I would laugh, but the thing is I know just how you feel. Cats can be determined creatures.

LC said...

Turkey is full of fall beauty. Sorry the tape failed. Maybe your feline is just more determined than those for whom the sticky strategy worked!

Reanaclaire said...

hahahaa.. you are really humorous, Ginny! your poetry really rhymes! I guess you have to look for another method... :)

Dee said...

LOL You have a smart cat :)

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