Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A Little Game For You

I am back home! They did a lot of tests and did not discharge me until the next day. Then I had a bad reaction to the C.T. contrast drink. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments! I am on antibiotics and feeling better.

Winter is not gone yet! Wintry mix Friday morning. Enough already! So I just had to post something green and pretty!

I took these pictures at the Botanical Garden. But ONE of them is a picture I took of a painting. All the others are real. Can you guess which one is not real, and just a painting? On my next post I will show you and tell you about it!

“Then he changed wasteland into fresh pools of water, arid earth into springs of water, Brought in the hungry and settled them there; they moved in—what a great place to live!” 

Psalm 107


Small Kucing said...

welcome home, Ginny.

Am so glad you are feeling much better now

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Sorry you had a reaction to the CT die but am happy to know your tests went well and you are back home, Ginny. I think it's the water lilies....:)JP

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think 2nd up from the bottom is a painting. they are all beautiful. so happy to see you posting and feeling better.

From the Kitchen said...

So glad you are back home and feeling better! I'm guessing the last one is the painting. They all could be. Beautiful!!


EG CameraGirl said...

Sorry the tests made you feel even worse! It's great to see the green this time of year.

Anonymous said...

Thankful you are home and I hope you improve each day. These are such pretty photos. I guess the next to last is the painting, but it's so hard to tell. Hope your weather will not be too severe tomorrow. God bless.

Patsy said...

So happy you are home and feeling better. I know what you mean about green, we need it now and that will make us all feel better.

Tamago said...

Hi Ginny, I'm very happy you are back home and feeling better!
Those are such lovely green pictures! I think it's either the last picture or 2nd from the last that is painting. Very hard to tell. I go with the last one!

Ruth Kelly said...

My guess is no. 5

photowannabe said...

Glad you are feeling better. Continued speedy recovery.
I think it's the last picture. They are all pretty though.

Unknown said...

So glad you're doing okay Ginny, sorry you had to go through this again! Your pictures are definitely enough to cheer up the dreariest day. I think the first one is the picture of the picture???

Rose said...

It is good to see you back...I LOVE waterlilies...and no, I won't even guess which is a painting. I have no clue.

Rose said...

Well, if you labeled it right, I know which is the painting. I would never have guessed.

LV said...

Wonderful you are back at home, but seems you have to take the bad to get there. May you continue to do well and share your interesting post with us.

Ann Thompson said...

Glad to hear you are home and feeling better.
I couldn't decide between the second to last and last one but I think I'm going with the second to last

Ann Thompson said...

Glad to hear you are home and feeling better.
I couldn't decide between the second to last and last one but I think I'm going with the second to last

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I am so sorry you have been ill. Wishing you much healing. These pictures are gorgeous! Is tge last one a painting?

Karen said...

Good that you are home and improving. Your photos, header and background are so Springy!! I love visiting your blog. Thanks for you comments on mine.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, Glad you are back home. Sorry for the bad reaction. Hope you continue to feel better and better.

I think the painting is the last one.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Glad to hear you are home. Keep on improving. I have no idea which is the painting.

Shug said...

glad you are home and feeling better....
I'm guessing that the painting is the next to the last photo....
Waiting to see if I'm right...

Nancy Chan said...

So happy to know you are well and back home. I will pick No. 5.

Amazing wonders in my life said...

I guess... the lotus one..:)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Good to know you are home and on the mend. Beautiful shots and as I am playing caught up on posts, I now know the answer.

Lady Jane said...

Glad you are home Ginny.

Linda said...

Dear Ginny,

I am so happy to "see" you. Sorry I am late in responding to your posts, but I have been getting a lot of headaches these days.

I am really glad to see you back posting, dear friend. Warm hugs and love.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...