Thursday, March 5, 2015

Walking The Dog

We had been out driving when it was just starting to get dark. In the dim light, this is what I saw.

It seemed to be a person with some kind of bright green light. So we stalked followed him a little way. Then we stopped the car beside him, and saw he was walking his dog. The light was an LED lighted dog chain! I told him I had never seen such a thing, and he said he got it at Wal-Mart. He was very nice to talk to me and let me take his picture.

I went home and looked it up and sure enough, there are many sizes and colors you can buy. Most are five dollars, and all are under twenty dollars. There are even lighted harnesses! So here are a few of the ones I found on line. Amazon has quite a lot. Who knew?

“May he keep us centered and devoted to him, following the life path he has cleared, watching the signposts, walking at the pace and rhythms he laid down for our ancestors.”

1 Kings 8


Linda said...

Ginny, I think this lighted leash is fantastic.

Linda said...

Hi Ginny,

So glad you liked the Kim Haskins cat painting I posted. I get a kick out of the spooked look in the cats' eyes. It seems like this is her claim to fame, the cats she paints look spooked. LOL!

Nancy Chan said...

I didn't know they have LED lighted dog chain. Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I learn so much from you,
Ginny. These are a great idea and I had no idea they were available! Have a blessed weekend.

Reanaclaire said...

Hey Ginny! Thanks for sharing, maybe I will get one for my Lab... amazon selling them too, you mentioned? Let me check them out...

From the Kitchen said...

I'll have to show this to Oliver when he wakes up from his early morning nap.


Tamago said...

When I leave for work, it's still dark. I drive by those walking with dogs and sometimes I don't see them until I'm very close. The lighted leash is wonderful. It keeps both dogs and humans safe in the dark!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I saw them on an endcap at WM a few weeks ago and thought what a great idea .. we don't walk in the dark or i would have bought one... i have never seen one on a dog though.. nice that he let you take photos. i love the shepherd in the header and tried to hug him

Ruth Kelly said...

Sometimes modern times come up with very clever ideas. I like the lighted leash a lot.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

great idea for night time walkies.

Shammickite said...

New to me too. I wonder how often the batteries would need changing. I'll have to tell my son, but I'm pretty sure the Walmart here won't have them.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is a great idea to keep your pet safe.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Those dogs are electric! :-)

Patsy said...

Wonders never cease to amaze me.
That is a good thing for sure.

pembrokeshire lass said...

What a brilliant idea!, thanks for sharing it. Joan

Filip and Kristel said...

It is certainly flashy and the dog will be seen in the dark.


Ann Thompson said...

oh those are very cool. I never go out walking after dark but even the collar would be nice when i let him out at night.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Around here, I'd be taking my life in my hands (lights or not) on these country roads!...:)JP

Unknown said...

Pretty cool, never saw or heard of anything like that!

Karen said...

What a great invention!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Very neat... I had not seen (nor heard of) that gadget before. Of course I don't have a dog right now ---but IF I did, I would invest in one of those.... Love it.


Rose said...

Would be wonderful to have those collars.

EG CameraGirl said...

An excellent idea! I think some people - especially the ones who wear dark clothes at night and walk beside busy roads - ought to wear them too to be safer. :))

DeniseinVA said...

That is so clever! I have seen many a person walking at night in too dark a clothing. This would make you it a lot safer. I like the dog collars and leashes. Owners and dogs would light up and be seen well in advance.

LC said...

What will they think of next!

Catherine said...

Dear Ginny, Makes me wonder if it has any health effects.?
Well, there always seems to be something new. It does make it safe for the nighttime though.
xoxox Catherine

Small Kucing said...

it is a good idea Ginny. Make it safer for our pet.

But I dont think I will choose Blue or green coz kinda eeries


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...