Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Answer

Thanks for playing my game! Quite a few of you got it RIGHT! It was this picture, the last one. I don't know how the guessers knew, I would never have known.

Inside the Botanical Garden hallway, they hung up pictures that were painted by schoolchildren. And this is one of them, a scene from the garden. A perfect copy.

There were some fascinating creatures dancing on top of the water when I took these pictures. They were totally unreal. But you will have to wait for my next post to see them.

“Who out there has a lust for life? Can’t wait each day to come upon beauty?” ~ Psalm 34


From the Kitchen said...

I win the prize! I got it right! Where are those botanic gardens?

Happy first day of spring!


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

The painting is really lovely Ginny

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I missed it and it is the header.. it really is hard to tell, someone has a real gift for painting...

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Who knew I had a knack for sniffing out fakes? ;-) Happy Friday, and first day of spring!

LV said...

Had to wait until you told us. Since I do not know much about art, I could not tell. You are so clever.

Vanessa Morgan said...

I'm looking forward to seeing those other pictures.

Nancy Chan said...

Oh, I missed it. The fake looks so real. Have a nice day.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I won too.... I knew it was the last one since all of the others were so clear. Taking a picture of a picture is always hard and never as clear...

Happy Spring.

Tamago said...

Oh yay, I got it right! I thought it would be a painting because I didn't find yellow spots on leaves like the other pictures :-) But it does look very real!
I wonder what creatures you found. Looking forward to your next post. Happy Friday!

Patsy said...

The painting is lovely! I didn't try to guess.

Marie said...

so pretty!! can't wait to see what else you have!
I sure hope you're feeling better!

DawnTreader said...

And I who was convinced it was the one above that! Still having difficulties believing it...

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I could not tell, it is pretty either way. A pretty painting!

photowannabe said...

Yippee!! I guessed right..(:0)

To answer your question..yes it's a military cemetery for those that served and their families if there is room.
The Presidio one is all full now. It truly was a miracle that my Hubby's Dad got a space there.

Actually the Golden Gate Bridge is painted in International Orange and is never finished painting. when the painters make it to one end they just turn around and go the other way. the salt air is like a sandblaster on the bridge.

Ann Thompson said...

well I almost got it right. I just couldn't decide

Karin said...

And I thought the one above it was fake - the water just doesn't look real to me! Trust you are feeling much improved! Take care!

Shug said...

I almost said that one because of the background in the picture. I did pick the one with the purple water, and it's because of the water color that I did choose that one! This was a fun game...I enjoyed.... Hope you are feeling well...

Linda said...

Dear Ginny,

I do hope that you are feeling much better. I was very concerned when I heard that you had another attack. We are supposed to get some snow here tonight and tomorrow in Montreal...yes, again. LOL! :)

Hootin Anni said...

Bummer...I wasn't around to play this time. I love playing your guessing 'games' you post on your blog.

Congrats to all the correct guessers!!

Hope you're feeling better Ginny.

Bobbie said...

Ginny, I am so glad to see you back and that you did not have to be admitted to the hospital. Glad you are feeling better!! I was praying! Love to you and Phil...

Cheryl @ TFD said...

That is a painting? Wow, it is so realistic! Beautiful.
Hope you're feeling much better, Ginny. Have a nice weekend!

Reanaclaire said...

I thought it was the fourth one! So talented ... it looks so real, Ginny!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...