Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Difference Is Day & Night

A new restaurant has opened here, The Silk Road. One afternoon, I saw these plastic trees in front of it as we drove past. I thought they looked so tacky, and all they needed to make the scene complete was a pink flamingo.

But then we drove past it one night. And in the dark, the whole scene had totally changed. The trees were lit up with tiny lights and were so pretty!

Their golden door is large and impressive, too. And their parking lot was full. Maybe we will try it.

“For you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace; The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”
Isaiah 55


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

You are been lured in by the tacky bright lights! Don't know the name of the flower in yesterday's post.

Linda said...

That door is gorgeous, Ginny! Love all the colours, too. :)

Joan said...

Yeh ,what a colourful light trees..I love also the door.. greetings,Joan

From the Kitchen said...

I'll be interested to know how the food is.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a difference, so pretty at night and i love the doors... i wonder if they are only open at night. they are tacky in daylight

Shug said...

Your header is so neat.....Bright pink against the black just makes this scene pop. I don't think I've seen plastic trees like this out in the landscape..something different I suppose! Cute...

Nancy Chan said...

I have these plastic trees that will light up in the night. That golden door is very impressive.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I'm with you on this one. First sight is not necessarily the whole story! Beautiful artistic night-time scene. That is unique. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day today!

Catherine said...

It certainly is eye catching. I wonder how the food is too and what type of food is served. I would wait and see if anyone recommends this place first. xoxo Catherine

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You find the most unusual places! I'll bet it is much prettier at night. Must be glaringly tacky in the daytime! Let us know if you try it out and what you think of it!

Patsy said...

These trees must be something new . We just had a restaurant open and they have these pink ones in front of it. Guess they light up, have not been by there at night.

Tamago said...

It doesn't look very attractive in a daylight, but wow, how gorgeous when the trees are lit! The door is very gorgeous. As the parking lot is full, their food must be really good!

George said...

I agree the trees look better at night than they do in daylight. But I have to admit that the restaurant reminds me of decorations I saw when I was in China, so perhaps that is the reason for the plastic trees.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That place surely knows how to draw attention to itself. It does sound oriental.Make sure you let us know how the food is when you try it.

Lady Jane said...

What a difference. Love the purple color.

DeniseinVA said...

Isn't that interesting, everything looks so different in the nighttime. Lovely photos. I hope you go sometime so that you can show us the inside, and the food ;)

LV said...

They know how to get your attention. The trees would definite to that. Trust it is as good as it looks.

Unknown said...

It's funny how things change at night and the ugliest thing can be gorgeous when lit up. You certainly caught the gorgeous part!

Ann Thompson said...

Yeah, they aren't real impressive in the light of day but wow, what a difference at night.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen anything like these trees. They show up well at night and I'm sure they are the talk of the town! Wishing you a restful night, Ginny.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Try it try it! It's bound to be fun.

Karen said...

They really shine against the dark background! I love it!

Rose said...

I would never have dreamed they could look that good lit up!

LC said...

You never know when one person's tacky has the hidden potential to be terrific!

Small Kucing said...

i wonder what is behind the door

Anonymous said...

They are very pretty at night. I hope you checked out the food. Report. Report.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...