“God’s kingdom is like
a pine nut that a
farmer plants. It is quite small as seeds go, but in the course of years it
grows into a huge pine tree,
and eagles build nests in it.”
Matthew 13
We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...
A lot of work but very nice!
Wow, that's pretty amazing. Looks like they used jute twine as well. Could you imagine how scratchy that would be
Wow... not easy to do a dress with hard barks like this.. they can crack easily, the person who does this must be very patient and meticulous..
Love the dress and it makes me think of Fred and Wilma. She would look great in it.... ha ha on the squirrel attack. they would love it to
It does seem if you were to walk a good bit in the heat, it might rubs some sore spots.
Not my style. Can't image the time it took to make this.
You made me chuckle with the squirrel remark Ginny. Well, I hope you wouldn't be attacked by them but you would be very popular :))) It is an impressive creation, really beautiful and impressive. You could almost imaginen it as a costume worn by one of the fairies in Midsummer Night's Dream.
Okay I think it would hurt like heck to have on - but boy is it interesting - you find the best things.
Now that would make quite a fashion statement.It looks prickly and then there is that little thing about the squirrels getting a free lunch while I walked along.
If you wear this, whoever comes near you will be pricked! This dress is not easy to make. Very unique! Have a beautiful day!
Oh wow! Very interesting materials (especially for squirrels heh heh) and very pretty design! If you'd wear it, it would draw lots of attention (again, especially from squirrels hshaha)!
Probably better in an exhibition than for actually wearing, yes :)
WOW!!! That is amazing!
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