Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Leaves

Finally, the Poke Berry leaves! They are even prettier than the berries! I have not changed or brightened the color, this is what they actually look like. Not all of them look like this, for some reason. Quite a few just turn brown and shrivel up. But there are plenty of this kind as well.

 “Not a tree in God’s garden was in the same class of beauty. I made it beautiful, a work of art in limbs and leaves, The envy of every tree in Eden, every last tree in God’s garden.’”

Ezekiel 31


Joan said...

I really love the colors from the leaves .Have a nice day,Joan

DeniseinVA said...

Those colors are gorgeous Ginny, great photos! Each one looks so festive.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow!!!!! these are gorgeous! I love number 2 photo. shows leaves and berries. these are absolutely beautiful photos of these berries. I don't remember seeing leaves like this, but the last time I saw poke berries I did not own a camera, so may have missed it... love all of these

Unknown said...

These leaves are magical! They are certainly going out with lots of glory.

Christine said...

Wonderful vivid colours, Ginny! Gods creation never fails to cause wonder & bring joy in each season!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Pokeweed are toxic, so you have to be super careful - it can even be absorbed through the skin. However, we have smushed the berries to allow the boys to paint with it before. They know not to get it near the mouth and wear gloves and use paintbrushes. It makes a gorgeous purple paint though!

Tamago said...

Wow, the Poke Berry leaves are beautiful! The bright pink color is very eye-catching!

Ruth Hiebert said...

To see a whole tree with leaves this color must be amazing.WOW! They are so bright and beautiful.

Ann said...

WOW, what amazing colors. They sure are bright and cheery

Hootin Anni said...

Stunning! So vivid in color.

Hootin Anni said...
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Hootin Anni said...
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Reanaclaire said...

Poke berry leaves.. yes, they are very pretty... Wonder if the berries are edible?

Nancy Chan said...

Both the leaves and berries are so pretty and colourful. The leaves look like the croton leaves.

Chatty Crone said...

God gives us a lot in nature doesn't HE? And yes that pink is beautiful!

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...