Monday, September 4, 2017

The Black Butterfly

There are lots of these Black Swallowtails around here, but it is so hard to snap one! They flit from place to place so quickly. This one seems to have white stripes in his eyes.

I finally got ONE decent picture of him! He was on a screen window in a butterfly house.

Black Butterfly, sailed across the waters 
tell your sons and daughters 
what the struggle brings 
Black Butterfly, set the skies on fire 
rise up even higher 
so the ageless winds of time can catch your wings..."

"Deniece Williams"


Reanaclaire said...

Butterflies are really colorful.. each of them have their own distinguish colors and you have captured aplenty of photos of them by now. Good shots, Ginny!

Ann said...

What a pretty butterfly. Love all the different shades you see with the sun shining through the wings

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Love the first two best. I call our butterflies flowing flowers, the perch on the blooms and then fly and perch and fly, and I have noticed they like to sit on flowers that are the same color scheme as they are

Karen said...

Beautiful. I saw so many butterflies Sunday among the wildflowers, but they weren't willing to pose for me!

Tamago said...

What a beauty! I love all the photos, especially the ones with flowers and pretty green background :-)

DeniseinVA said...

A delightful series of photos of this pretty swallowtail Ginny. I was following butterflies around a garden yesterday and if I get one half-way as good as yours I will be one very happy camper.

DeniseinVA said...

p.s. Forgot to mention the first time how much I enjoy your verses at the end of each post :)

LV said...

Nice to see this pretty butterfly. Do not see many around here. Perfect sight and word combination.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

In our area we seem to have less butterflies than years ago. You did a great job capturing this one.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is a beautiful butterfly, but then,I think most of them are pretty.

Hootin Anni said...

And I love the part about the ageless winds of time.

Andrea said...

Oh Ginny... how beautiful!!

Rose said...

They are just so beautiful!

Nancy Chan said...

Butterflies are beautiful but they are difficult to take snapshots of them. They seldom stay still for long.

UplayOnline said...

Love all the different shades you see with the sun shining through the wings


About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...