Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Poll Workers

Only two states voted today for their governor and other local leaders. So we voted. Here I am with my sticker. This picture is so bad because I took it in the living room on my computer camera while it rained.

I sure cannot feel proud of myself for going out in the rain to vote. This is because of my friend Karen. She has worked the polls for ten years. They have to be there around 5 A.M. and leave at 9 P.M. So it is a 16 hour day. Plus they get no breaks for food. They bring snacks and catch bites when it gets slow. And did I mention that Karen has recently won a battle with cancer? So next time you go to vote, be extra nice to the people who cheerfully work there and help you out. They are exhausted, hungry, and some of the most dedicated patriots you will ever meet. Meet Karen when she was on a missionary trip to Haiti.

And here we are goofing around in a gift shop. Me on the right and Karen on the left.

“Make your motions and cast your votes, but God has the final say.”
Proverbs 16


DeniseinVA said...

What a neat post. I like your computer photo Ginny and thank you for introducing us to your friend, and please thank her for me. I have a good idea how hard these volunteers work and I always thank them whenever I can. They are a great role model for everyone.

Reanaclaire said...

Very patriotic, Ginny! Your friend too.. sacrifices her time to be on duty.. I worked few times before at the voting station.. but we were given time off to cast our votes and of course, food was provided for us during the day.

Ann said...

A girl I used to work with worked the polls and she always looked forward to it. Your friend Karen is a real go getter.

George said...

I've never met a poll worker who wasn't friendly and helpful.

Nancy Chan said...

I have worked once at the polling station. We took turns to have our meals that we packed from home. You both look great in the photo!

Christine said...

Good to see you both but it really is a long day for poll workers and they deserve respect.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

congratulations on casting your vote in the rain and this is so true. we don't have those hours here, just from 7 to 7 but that is 12 hours. and they get breaks. I could not do that job, so wildly clapping for your friend.. love the parrots she is holding to

Rose said...

Wow, that is a long, long day! Glad to hear she won a battle with cancer....

LV said...

Apparently the people here are not that dedicated. They had a hard time finding workers. I worked it many years ago and it is a very long, and tiring day.

Tamago said...

Karen sounds like such an incredible lady! I love the photo of her with parrots :-) And it's great you went out to vote in the rain!

Carla from The River said...

I agree, poll workers are special. Have you ever thought of doing it? I have, I might look into it. I know they are in need of them in our community.
Karen sounds very special, prayers to her.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

All 3 boys and I ventured out in the rain to vote. Then we went roller skating :-)

Ida said...

Good for you for voting. I must say I've become lax about voting anymore. - You & your friend seem to be enjoying each other's company. - Again, I'm requesting a Follow by E-Mail feature on your side bar. It's easy to do and makes it easier to get updates. Have a great day.

Chatty Crone said...

Congrats on voting! I am glad she won over cancer. And yes God has the last word.

Ann said...

I have a really good friend that works the polls and she seems to enjoy it. We had a mayor election here in Kansas.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sounds like the folks working the polling stations are very dedicated.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...