Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Tiniest Gardens

Here are more of the tiny fairy gardens I have snapped. This one has a tree house, and another house on a tiny bridge.

Everyone likes a cookout!

Lets zoom out and look at the whole scene.

This little flowerpot house has a winding staircase and frogs watching over a bird's nest.

And here we have a bridge with steps and also a glass gazing ball.

And who doesn't love barbecuing on their patio?

“The fairies went from the world, dear,
Because men's hearts grew cold:
And only the eyes of children see
What is hidden from the old...”
~Kathleen Foyle


DeniseinVA said...

I love these Ginny! The broken plant pot with the staircase, so very clever. Thanks for sharing and have a great week :)

DeniseinVA said...

Love the quote also.

Nancy Chan said...

These fairy gardens are so cute. Never thought of using broken pots for decoration.

Reanaclaire said...

Oh, they made such nice deco in the garden! I like them too!! Very creative...

Karen said...

Cute gardens!

Ann said...

These are so cute. I'm amazed at what some people can do with these fairy gardens

Tamago said...

Wow such pretty gardens! I love the staircase at the flowerpot house. Love those tiny furniture, too :-) Makes me want to make a little garden myself :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is amazing to me. I love the tiny fire pit and chairs and close up it looks normal size until you backed off and we could see it all. those spiral steps are just adorable. i used to love doll houses, this is even better

George said...

Cute gardens!

Linda said...

Cute! CUTE!! I’ve always meant to make one but never got around to it!

Rose said...

How sweet!

Christine said...

Beautifully made! Such intricate little details are amazing and a real test of patience I'm sure!
Have a lovely week!

Ann said...

Genny-good that's the song I was thinking about from REM!! I've been humming it all morning. I love little fairy gardens, my granddaughter and I made one a few summers ago. Have a wonderful day.

Ruth Hiebert said...

These are really cute. Seems like fairy gardens are the latest rage right now.

Carla from The River said...

I love the fairy gardens.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...