Monday, November 27, 2017

Count With Me!

We live in an area called Tree Streets. It's beautiful.

The other day we passed this tree. Without leaves, you can see the tree itself better. And look what we saw! So many squirrel nests that I could hardly count them!

I always thought that squirrels are territorial, and there would only be one nest for each tree. Boy was I wrong. Can you count how many? I lost count after 11.

This little guy will never tell.

 “God doesn’t count us; he calls us by name. Arithmetic is not his focus.”
Romans 9


Ann said...

WOW. I don't think I've ever seen squirrels nests before. That tree is like a squirrel complex. I love the edit on the first picture. It's beautiful. Looks like a water color painting

Nancy Chan said...

Love the special effect on the 1st picture! I have never seen a squirrel tree, I would have thought they were birds' nests.

crafty cat corner said...

I always like it when the trees lose their leaves as you can see the different shapes of the various kinds of trees.
I like squirrels but a lot of people do not. Never seen so many nests in my life, lol

Joan said...

I think some like 10 nest but I never see squirrels in real...

Unknown said...

I love that we have such a personal God who calls us by name - and that our name is also His name because of Jesus! I also love how He surprises us with really cool stuff like this! We were walking the other day and there was an owl, sitting right on a street sign, not even 5 feet away from us. So amazing!

George said...

I've never seen so many squirrel nests in one tree. Perhaps one very wealthy squirrel has multiple homes.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think our oak only has 2, will have to look again, I have never seen this many in one tree. you must not have hawks and eagles close by. our little guys don't live long enough to make houses. we have one squirrel left now.. hawk got the last 2 blue jays 2 days ago. I love these photos just because the tree is beautiful against the sky

Chatty Crone said...

That is so interesting I would have thought they might be bird nests - but what do I know?

Linda said...

You have a gift for using the perfect scripture for your every post! Beautiful photos! You also have the gift of seeing beauty everywhere you look!

Tamago said...

Wow, how delightful! This tree must be very popular condominium for squirrels. I always had an image that they lived in tree cave :-) The territory thing -- I've seen them fight indeed, but looks like they share the tree nicely here!

Hootin Anni said...

This is all new to me! All this time I thought squirrels nest in tree cavities! Amazing.

Ruth Hiebert said...

They sure have been busy.

Carla from The River said...

WOW, a city of squirrel. :-)

Rose said...

I have been noticing a lot of nests around here, too. Wonder if it is going to be a hard winter.

Ann said...

Well we have plenty of squirrels which invade our yard in the summer but I'v e really never noticed their nests. Must do that.
Thanks for stopping by my Vivid post--there were so many great songs but If I had to pick a favorite it would probably be "O Holy Night. Been trying to copy some songs from Facebook but haven't been able to yet.

Timelesslady said...

Today I mixed a few pecan pieces, leftovers from Christmas cookie baking, into the bird seed mixture. Within a few moments the squirrels who nest in our trees discovered them. I enjoy watching their antics as they raid my 'squirrel-proof' feeders. They can't empty them, but they do manage to get their fair share.

Sandi said...

Squirrels have nests? I always thought they lived in a hole in the tree! :)

Caroline Gill said...

Greetings from Suffolk, UK. We also have nesting Grey Squirrels... though I don't know exactly where they live. It's such fun to watch them climbing up and down the tall trees and feeding from our fat-ball coconuts as I watch the snow from my window...

Rose said...

Those are condominium trees!

Germán Ibarra Zorrilla said...

Unas fotos fantásticas. me han gustado mucho todas. Saludos desde España.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...