Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Weird Scarecrows

Technically, it is still fall. So that means I can post scarecrows! These are some of the strangest ones I have seen. This one has no legs! Scary indeed.

This one is a wooden headed girl.

This one is empty headed...he has a head made of wire.

This one has been on his tractor, and is plum tuckered out.

This one is a skull! He scares people as well as crows.
 The next two are made by children. One is made of popsicle sticks, and the other is a collage.

And finally, meet Mr. & Mrs. Frankenstein and their pet crow.

“Every hand hangs limp, every knee turns to rubber. They dress in rough burlap— sorry scarecrows, Shifty and shamefaced.”

Ezekiel 7


Ann said...

What a fun collection of scarecrows. That first one is really sticking his neck out to do his job :) I like the tired one on the tractor. I can relate to him

Hootin Anni said...

Cute!!!!! All of 'em. I really like the legless one...eerie, but kinda cool and ever so unique. And the one of the girl scarecrow on the porch steps....with the bright fuchsia-colored hat.

George said...

These are definitely different, but they are all cute.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are really crazy and I think the legless ones wins first prize for craziest... talk about creative. lol... any time is good to show these guys

Rose said...

I like the actual scarecrow. The one you call a pet

Chatty Crone said...

Some of them are sitting down on the job.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Some of them don't look vey scary.Interesting to say the least.

Nancy Chan said...

Hi Ginny, you have a fantastic collection of weird scarecrows. Some are so cute but some are scary but they are great creation.

Tamago said...

Such lovely scarecrows! Skull one would definitely scare people, too LOL. Well though, he's kinda cute with curly hair :-)

Christine said...

These are so cute even the skull scarecrow! I really like the way you all decorate for fall with scarecrows & hay bales & lots of pumpkins!

LV said...

Somebody had some creative ideas for making such unique scarecrows.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...