On Christmas day, SOMEONE around here was the warden of all presents.
Anne Marie got a ukulele.
The little ones sat on the floor in their P.J.'s to open their gifts.
Phil & Mike spent quite a while in man to man talks. Well, after all, they were surrounded by girls!
The girls & I played a game about a chicken stealing fox.
A large gingerbread house was attempted, but most of the decorations went into small mouths instead of on the house.
And finally, their favorite game. The whipped cream in the face game. Because the next best thing to eating whipped cream is having it slung onto your face, then laughing hysterically.
Finally it is time to leave. Bye for now! On my next post, you will see the weirdest gift I have ever given anyone!
“Every desirable and
beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of
James 1