Monday, December 4, 2017

Day Into Night

Can you guess what this picture is? I snapped it in front of our house this afternoon.

It is our mailman wearing a miner's cap. This is because it is pitch dark in the afternoon. He has to wear a lighted cap to even see the mail! I guess this is why this house nearby has a lamp on a table, with a nice picture for him to look at.

It's just not right, making the day into the night. Even the birds are confused.

“Jesus once again addressed them: “I am the world’s Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.”
John 8


Andrea said...

Ginny, you're so right. Delivering mail in the dark... such a strange sight to see. We live in the country so we're on a "motor route", I guess is what they call it. Our mail is delivered by truck. She pulls up to the mailbox and drops it in and then goes along her merry way. Our newspaper is the same way. But I don't think our mail lady has ever had to deliver to us in the dark, but she may at other locations. She comes to our house about noon. xoxo

Hootin Anni said...

Makes me think of the old saying "Through Rain and Snow and Dark of Night"....

Ann said...

Wow, it's that dark in the afternoon? No wonder he needs the light. That's the first time I've seen a porch that had a painting hung and a lamp

Nancy Chan said...

Oh, I didn't know that your afternoon can be so pitch dark. It must have been tough for the postman to deliver the mails in the dark. Thank you for sharing about this. That is a cute bird.

Tamago said...

Around here recently, mail car is coming to deliver in the evening, like 8:00pm. Feels bit strange to see mail car so late. They are working hard!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our mail came at 10 am starting in 1989 through 2000. then it went to 12 to 3 pm. now it comes when it comes and is never at the same time and many times is after 5:30 or later. horrible service. the internet did this. they can't hire enough people because people are not using snail mail. plus, we have 3 and sometimes 4 different mail people. signs of the times

Karen said...

It gets dark so much earlier where my son lives on the east coast. The lamp on the porch is a nice touch!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Wow, I didn't know your afternoons are that dark. I suppose it must be very late in the afternoon? It starts getting dark here around 5 pm now that daylight savings has ended, depending on whether the sun is shining or it's cloudy.

Chatty Crone said...

I wish they would just leave the time - one way or another.

Ruth Hiebert said...

It gets dark early here as well. I iike the little lamp on the porch.Very sweet.

Christine said...

It gets dark here about 4.30 in the afternoon & can be tough to bear when you don't even see the sun for days but I do enjoy candles burning & pretty lamps & lights too.

LV said...

We have that same thing happen with our carrier. Dark too early and a large route.

Carla from The River said...

Oh my, the poor mail man. Ours comes at 12:30.

Rose said...

I can't wait for the days to start getting longer....

Unknown said...

When my daughter lived in London, sometimes when we'd visit in the winter, it would be dark by 3:30!

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