Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Heart Of The Matter

When I first heard Phil's diagnosis of severe coronary disease, I got so upset that my own heart went out of rhythm!! I was told to get an E.K.G., which showed this. The doctor circled the abnormal sections.                                                                                 

But after a few days, as the shock wore off, my heart began to normalize. That was when I had the post office incident. So in a week, I was in the E.R., three emergency clinic visits, and Phil had his catherazation!

Phil's catherazation went well! He has a 50% blockage in one artery, not severe enough for a stent. We are so thankful to God, and to YOU for your prayers and warm wishes! Here is the picture the doctor drew of Phil's heart and where the blockage is.

“People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16


Andrea said...

Ginny, people don't have heart anomalies because of receiving shocking news. :-( You've got something going on there and especially after the fainting episode, perhaps you should see a cardiologist yourself, honey. I'm praising God about your husband's good news with his cardiac cath. Now let's get you a tune-up too, eh?! (((((((mega hugs)))))) Andrea xxx

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, what a week you've both had! Praying for the peace that passes understand and good medical care for both of you.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Well I am sure you are glad that week is over however it all seems to have worked out well in the end. We are so fortunate to have all these doctors and equipment for all that treatment. Praise the Lord.

Ann said...

Glad to hear that Phils catherazation went well. I know how scary this must have been for you. The two of you are in my prayers

Tamago said...

Shock and stress and such sure affect your heart. You went through so much in a week. Glad Phil's catherazation went well. I hope coming weeks are more peaceful and stress free!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

So glad Phil's heart is not as bad as you thought, and glad you have calmed down. i fully understand your stress levels sister mine. when bob had his stroke in June, i lost 4 pounds in 4 days, and my stress was so bad i could not eat or swallow food for over a week, also it kicked me back into menopause symptoms. i was well past that for about 10 years, when the hot flashes started i looked it up and it said YES stress can restart the symptoms. glad you went for the EKG and sorry for all the visits but glad you are better. love you

George said...

I'm glad to hear Phil's procedure went well. Hopefully things will also improve for you and you don't have another week like this one for a long, long time.

From the Kitchen said...

It sounds hopeful for both you and Phil! I hope you can relax and get back to better health. What a scary time for both of you.


Linda said...

Louis Dean is a heart patient. He had a heart attack back in 2009 while IN THE HEART CATH LAB. talk about perfect timing. There have been so many medical advances that it’s absolutely amazing what can be done these days, it’s no longer a death sentence!’ Prayers for you and Phil, BOTH!

LV said...

None of this the best of times, but makes it worse during the holidays. Stress is your worst enemy. I understand what you are going through as my husband was a heart patient. Wishing nothing but good things for the New Year. Merry Christmas to you and family.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm so happy to hear that Phil is doing well after his procedure. I know how scary it was. When BG had his heart attack a few years ago and collapsed on the floor, I immediately called for an ambulance while he was insisting that he would be okay in a few minutes. Glad I didn't listen to him. I knew by his color and clamminess that he wasn't ok. Within 2 hours of him being put in the ambulance and transported to a hospital 30 miles away, he was in and out of surgery with a stent in an artery that was 100% blocked. He recovered nicely and after a couple of weeks at home went back to work and has worked every day since. He does go in for checkups every 6 months. I will pray that Phil continues to do well and that you do too! Keep an eye on your symptoms and get further checked out if something doesn't seem right, ok? Love to you!

Hootin Anni said...

Praise the Lord!!!
Now, both of you take some time to relax, rest, and mellow down a bit before the holidays.

LOVE the biblical passage's perfect.

Ann said...

So glad the hub's procedure went well, now you can time to relax from all the problems of the last few weeks. My hubby was a paramedic and was really good at helping people of the times of their greatest need!

Chatty Crone said...

Phil has a good heart to all. Does this mean he does not need any surgery at this time - I hope?! And you need to take it easy too girl. sandie

Ruth Hiebert said...

Glad that Phil's procedure is over. I hope that 2018 will be much better for both of you, health wise.

Carla from The River said...

Continuing to pray my friend.
Blessed Christmas Wishes to you!

Nancy Chan said...

God is good! I pray that you and Phil are in good health now. Take care and take it easy!

Rose said...

I was relieved that Phil does not have a worse blockage...hope you can feel better soon with all you have going on.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Glad it went well. That all sounds terribly stressful. I hope you all get to do lots of relaxing over the holidays.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...