Thursday, December 7, 2017

Passed Out In The Post Office

Hi! This is me before the incident.

You see, yesterday at the post office, I had to stand too long. Sometimes when this happens, my blood pressure gets too low and I pass out. This can be stopped by sitting or laying down.  Phil begged them for a chair for me, and they would not get one. Something like this would have been nice, ha ha!

Shortly, everything looked like this.

Then I passed out totally (I blame the post office for no chair). Phil and another man who was there caught me and lowered me to the floor. Then these people were called, plus an ambulance.

Even when I regained consciousness, I could not move. So after a brief exam, they took me to the E.R..

Turns out I have a cracked or bruised tailbone, which will take months to heal. Plus a messed up knee. All from the fainting. So here is where I will be spending most of my time, on a donut cushion.

Oh, and Phil is having a heart catheterazation on Monday morning. It's been a rough week.

“In old age, your body no longer serves you so well.
Muscles slacken, grip weakens, joints stiffen…
Hikes to the mountains are a thing of the past.
Even a stroll down the road has its terrors.”
Ecclesiastes 12


Christine said...

Dear Ginny, how dreadful for you! I will surely keep you in my prayers & hope you have a speedy recovery.
I am so shocked that the Post Office staff could be so uncaring!
God bless & take care.

Ann said...

Oh Ginny I'm so sorry to hear this. And to think it all could have been avoided if they had only given you a chair. My thoughts and prayers are with both you and Phil

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Ginny, that's so scary, I'm glad Phil was with you. I will pray right now that your body will heal quickly and that God will use this as a time to grow closer to him. If I was closer, I would bring a BIG box of donuts. That would be much better than sitting on one.

Karen said...

That is awful! I am so sorry about the injury. I had a broken tail bone and it is very painful. Hope you will be able to take it easy.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am shocked to read this and so sorry that one more thing is added to your list of things that have happened recently. prayers for both of you and I wonder now if you will be able to go to the hospital for the test. praying now for quick healing for you and for direction for the doctors as they run the test. love you both..

From the Kitchen said...

Oh dear! I'm glad that you are able to write about the incident but sorry you had to go through it. Hope you heal quickly. Hope Phil's test goes well.


Hootin Anni said...

Ginny, Ginny, Ginny!!!! You do take care of yourself dear one!!! And the P O will no doubt hear others who need help...all because of their lackadaisical attitude.

We will pray for your healing...

Nancy Chan said...

I hope your body will heal soon after some rest. I didn't expect the post office to be so uncaring. Thank God, Phil was there with you. Take care.

Andrea said...

Oh Ginny, I'm so sorry this happened to you. :-( All because of lack of compassion of the folks at the post office. *sigh* I hope your body heals quickly from your injuries... and I will pray for Phil's angiogram. xoxo

Tamago said...

Oh no, Ginny, I'm so sorry to hear this! I'm glad Phil was with you. What a rough day. I hope you heal quickly. Sending warm thoughts and hugs to you and Phil. xo

Ann said...

What a terrible thing. I wonder how the post office feels--they should feel horrible. Well hope you have most of your holiday stuff done--rest on that pretty divan and take care.

crafty cat corner said...

Poor you Ginny, it must have been horrible for you. I have never passed out but imagine it to be nasty especially as you have damaged your tailbone. It seems that nowhere has chairs anymore, I remember when all stores had a couple of chairs for the elderly. I hurt my coccyx once falling off of a chair, I couldn't sit down properly for ages but it did heal and is now fine.
Don't worry too much about Phil's heart procedure. Tom has had this done three times. I hope they manage to put things right for him.
I'll be thinking of you both.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Ginny - what did the post office say when you fell - did they take any of the blame?
I am so sorry - you are going to be hurting for awhile there and for Christmas too.
I also didn't know that verse was in the bible - how true.
Love, sandie

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh no! Sorry to hear about all the difficulties you and Phil are having.

Rose said...

I am so sorry you guys are having such a hard just can't seem to win for losing.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh dear, that is terrible! Your whole body must hurt from the fall. Take care of yourself

Linda said...

I’m so so sorry! And the post office people should be too! Shame! SHAME on them for not getting you a chair!
Prayers for a quick recovery! I have to say, your couch certainly looks comfy! Please rest and recover! We all want you out and about taking those awesome photo displays of the majesty of God!

Hootin Anni said... answer your question you left for my Hootin' Anni blog post today, no I will not add to that blog - it was made special since South Texas gets "no" snow, and I had so many photos I didn't want to clog my personal blog with all the photos I took.

Hope you're feeling better today dear one. Take care of yourself.

Carla from The River said...

Sending prayers my dear friend. For you and your Phil.
Love, Carla

L. D. said...

It would have been nice if they would always have a bench for customers. I go through times when I keep wanting to fall forward, or I feel like it but am not. I am thinking it is my back has been over worked. I am sorry this all had to happen. I hope your husband does well with his procedure and you both find a place to settle for a while.

DawnTreader said...

Aaaww, so sorry for you... ♥ There really should be benches or chairs where you can sit down in all those kinds of places where you often need to wait for a while. Or wander around, like in supermarkets and shopping malls, which can be very tiring too.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...