Sunday, December 10, 2017

Heart Catheterization

Tomorrow morning (10:00) Phil will be having a heart catheterization . I have a small bag packed, as we don't know long long he will have to stay. So I will not be visiting Monday or Tuesday...maybe longer, depending on what happens. I will let you know when we are back home and well rested.

This is on a neighbor's porch. Can you see what is out of place?


Ann said...

Will be thinking of you and sending prayers. Hope all goes well.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Praying that all goes well and you get to come home quickly.

Karen said...

Hope the cath goes smoothly tomorrow. God bless you both. I like the kitty in the photo!

LV said...

Wishing your husband the best. I am familiar with that procedure as my late husband had several.

Rose said...

Including you guys in my prayers!

Chatty Crone said...

I hope this is for a test and nothing serious. I will be praying for you both.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

prayers for yall

Hootin Anni said...

Hope all goes well for Phil!
I had that done long ago, and I was in and out within the day.

Nancy Chan said...

Pray for goes well with Phil test. Hope to see you both home soon. Is it the black cat in the picture that is out of place? It wants to be in your picture as well. May God's peace and protection be with you both.

George said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with both of you. We hope Phil gets back home quickly and feeling fine (you too!).

Joan said...

Wish you both all te best,Greetings,Joan

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Love you sis and am praying for both of you... i see that kitty in the wrong place.

Tamago said...

I hope heart catheterization will go smoothly. I'll be thinking about you both. xo

DawnTreader said...


Andrea said...

Praying, Ginny! Our daughter, Bailey, had a brain angiogram last week. Basically a heart angiogram except they take the probe past the heart, up through the carotid artery in the neck, and into the brain. But they still go in through the groin. Hopefully your husband got to come home the same day, like Bailey, and that they found nothing wrong. But you both will remain in my prayers regardless. Please update us as soon as you are able. xxx

Shug said...

Praying all goes well with Phil.....please keep us posted.

Jeanne said...

Praying all goes well. I had the procedure about 6 years ago and came home with a stent. A life saving procedure!

Christine said...

God bless you both and I pray all goes well.

Andrea said...

It's Tuesday as I type this comment, Ginny, and I wanted to assure you still of my prayers for your husband and you. Hope all is going well but even if it's not, I know God is in control. Rest confident in His Divine Providence, dear friend. Love~ Andrea xxx

photowannabe said...

Praying for good results for your Hubby and patience and health for you too.
I love the table-top snowman. He's darling.

Reanaclaire said...

May peace, comfort and healing be with you and Phil at this time and all the way to recovery. God Bless!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

He's on display for the world.

Hope all is going well with Phil's recovery.

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