Friday, May 22, 2020

Just Sittin'

Several years ago, we adopted Sunny & Cher, twin Siamese cats. This is Cher.
Cher had several problems when we got him. He had been losing his fur, and he eventually went blind in one eye. And he had the most unusual habit of sitting like a person! Straight up.

After we had him only about a year, he died on the operating table. He was a lovable rascal.

“Sitting is the new smoking.” Health catchphrase

“The quickest way for a parent to get a child's attention is to sit down and look comfortable.”
~Lane Olinghouse


Chatty Crone said...

It is so true about a kid!
Also I have been doing lots of sitting these days and tv.
Not a good thing.
Happy Memorial Day!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I think that is very unusual for a cat to sit like that Ginny Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.

Ella said...

I hope Cher had a nice cat life with you and I think he was a special cat!
Have a Happy Memorial Day, Ginny!

Tanza Erlambang said...

The cat looks so sweet.....

Have a great day.

Hootin Anni said...

Love, love. LOVE the quote today. And, yes, I remember Cher! (My all time favorite breed of cat, Siamese)

Nancy Chan said...

Handsome Cher. He looked comfortable sitting upright like a human.

Ann said...

Cher was a pretty cat. The way he sits is comical. I don't think I've ever seen a cat do that before.

roughterrain crane said...

They look excellent.
Have a nice sunday with your lovely cats.

Natalia said...

Oh my gosh, soooo true about the kid! I thought I am the only one who experience that😁 Beautiful cats photos! Stay safe and healthy everyone ☺

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am going to copy this catchphrase and send in email to my tops group. so true.
I will send a picture of Cher with it to illustrate. these photos are so sweet and precious memories.. this morning while sweeping up black dog hair in the kitchen, i started to think about our angel Jake. everytime i used the broom he woudl walk through what i had swept into a pile, several times. fond memory.

George said...

I'm sure you have many happy memories of Cher. His preferred sitting position is definitely unusual.

DeniseinVA said...

He certainly looked adorable. He certainly had an interesting sitting position bless him. Enjoyed your quotes.

Rose said...

That is a funny way to sit....I only occasionally see one come close to sitting like that and that not for long.

Tamago said...

Cher was such a gorgeous kitty. I’m sorry your time with him was short but glad he left those fond memories. The way he sit like a person is so adorable! Maybe he thought he was a person :-) Thank you for sharing memories with your sweet Cher xo

Inger said...

He had a good life with you and was much loved.


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