Saturday, May 2, 2020

Sunday Morning Church

Walk up our church path with me, and let's look at the flowers. Our church meetings are not in the building anymore, instead we meet on ZOOM by computer. But I still like to drive by and see how the flowers are doing.

“Clouds and darkness are round most men and it is the preacher's business to let the sunlight in. A congregation needs nothing so much as sun.”
~Charles Edward Jefferson


Buttercup said...

Love seeing all the beautiful spring flowers. So grateful for everyone who planted and keeps up the gardens. Take care!

Hootin Anni said...

Stunning. As you, I'd want to see them too.

Ella said...

That's a great church path, and the flowers are so beautiful ...
Let's hope next year will go better!
Have a blessed Sunday!

Nancy Chan said...

I can imagine the path leading up to your church lined with beautiful flowers on both sides. Have a blessed Sunday.

Rose said...

They are beautiful... and a nice way to get mentally ready to hear the sermon.

NanaDiana said...

What pretty flowers. None of our churches are open here either. Everything is online. This, too, will change. xo Diana

George said...

The flowers are beautiful. Hopefully you will soon be able to meet together in person.

The Happy Whisk said...

The 💐 flowers are pretty.

Inger said...

The flowers made me smile. Seeing them in real life, I'm sure they made you smile too and feel grateful for all the beauty that still exists in this world.

Louca por porcelana said...

Such beauty!Best Wishes.

The Padre said...

Where Are My Sunglasses, So Vivid - Very Relaxing Post Here


Tamago said...

Wow what a lovely church path with colorful flowers! I love the close up photo of tulip :-) Happy Sunday xo

DawnTreader said...

The flowers deserve someone coming to look at them! :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those flowers are beautiful and definitely worth going to have a look at.

Ann said...

What gorgeous flowers.

Chatty Crone said...

The flowers are beautiful - I hope you can start back meeting there - but Zoom is great.

betty-NZ said...

Your bright, gorgeous flowers are such a treat for me on my dreary, autumn day!

Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

Annie Jeffries said...

Pretty and peaceful.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...