Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Answer

Yesterday I asked you what this mural was on.

Wow, quite a few of you guessed it! Not only that, Hootin' Anni said that it looks like a photo, not a painting. I feel sure she is right! So now, as several of you guessed, here is the bus. Question: how would they get a photo on a bus?

“If you want to understand democracy, spend less time in the library with Plato, and more time in the buses with people.”
~Simeon Strunsky


Nancy Chan said...

Ahhhh! So it is a big bus! Have a beautiful day.

Ella said...

I'm sure there is a technique, but I don't know the name ... maybe something with laser?!
Have a nice day, Ginny!

Reanaclaire said...

So nice and beautifully done! I think they do part by part on the bus.. anyway, good guessing game, Ginny!

Ann said...

Well I guess my guess wasn't too far off. I thought semi but questioned that.
Simply amazing what they can do.

Hootin Anni said...

For goodness sakes. I would have never thought ANY vehicle! I was sure it was more stationary. Amazing.

Tamago said...

I got the answer right this time yay :-) Though, I have no idea how to get a photo on a bus. It is a beautiful photo with a nice scenery. Love that fountain :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i know, i know.. it is a shrink wrap, i watch them put stuff like that on vehicles on bob's motor trend shows he watches. did not even think about it being a bus... they even put photos on race cars.

Chatty Crone said...

It's pretty - never in a million years would I have guess a bus!

photowannabe said...

I think it's a "wrap" like the detailed cars that have advertisements on them..
Great capture Ginny.

Rose said...

Nice! The minute I read Ann's post of truck, it made me think it was something like that. But had to just say what I originally thought it was.

LC said...

I have seen such art on vans and small SUVs of businesses. I never researched but wondered if it was some high-tech version of shrink-wrap. None I have seen was as lovely as that bus, though.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Interesting . i have seen some large busses owned by musicians that have a photo on them, These artists have referred to these as 'wraps'. That's all I know about it.

Buttercup said...

Bus wrap! I worked for NYC Transit Department of Buses for 15 years. The bus wraps are a great source of advertising revenue.

Annie Jeffries said...

Amazing what they can do.

DeniseinVA said...

It is fascinating to see one of these on something as large. I'm thinking a wrap transfer? Don't know much about it but would be very interesting to see that technique in action.

Gayla said...

That is really cool, especially since those windows reflect everything... kind of like looking over the tops of trees from high ground. It is most likely a wrap technique.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...