Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Colors

This is something I just found out. Poppies come in quite a few other colors! Like the Himalayan Blue Poppy. Hard to grow. I found all these pictures on the web.

The California Yellow Poppy.

The purple poppy was created in 2006 by the charity Animal Aid as a way to commemorate animals which served during conflicts, as the charity viewed that they had been the forgotten victims of war.

And the Pink Poppy, about which I know nothing.

Poppies were found in Egyptian tombs and ancient Egyptian doctors would have their patients eat seeds from a poppy to relieve pain.


Nancy Chan said...

Hello Ginny, the poppy flowers are so beautiful. I wish we could grow poppies here. Have a beautiful day.

Ella said...

I also have poppies in the garden ... I can't wait for them to open ... I think they will pop in June!
Mine are purple.
Enjoy your day, Ginny!🌼

crafty cat corner said...

I love poppies. When we had our allotment they used to have large poppies springing up everywhere in various colours. I love the papery petals.

Hootin Anni said...

Sensational. I had to look up on Google yesterday and found white poppies too. I am so amazed. You could have a patriotic garden with poppies! Red & white in rows & the corner...all blue (flag).

Ann said...

So pretty. I had no idea there were so many different colors of poppies. Until you showed the white one I always thought they were only red.

Reanaclaire said...

Beautiful blooms... I miss the colourful flowers being locked at home most of the time now.. hahahaa

Rose said...

I have seen pink and orange and the regular red...and sarah used to have some that were dero, dark red..but I had not heard of the blue. It is gorgeous.

Natalia said...

They are so pretty, I love blue ones !☺

Tamago said...

I didn't know poppies came in so many colors, either! Especially the blue poppy fascinates me!

LC said...

Amazing! If I had seen these photos without your text, I would have though the blue one was an artificial creation out of paper or digital tinkering. I guess it was genetic tinkering though!

Chatty Crone said...

Amazing - I did not know that! I love the Himalayan Blue Poppy.

photowannabe said...

That Blue poppy is a new one for me. I sure would like to see it in person
My folks used to grow Icelandic Poppies in their garden. Really pretty...thanks for bringing back the memories.

Sandi said...


Louca por porcelana said...


Ruth Hiebert said...

I've seen the purple and the pink ones.

Buttercup said...

They are all so beautiful. Thanks so much for putting this collection together.

The Padre said...

Oh WoW - So Colorful - Love The Vibrant Signs Of Life - Enjoy The Weekend

P.S. Lovely White Poppies As Well

Gayla said...

I didn't know poppies had that many varieties. Those gentle pink ones were sweet, weren't they? Thanks for identifying my bird! I guess something has brought out the different varieties of birds because I saw one that was vivid blue, not blue jay blue---- more aqua! Maybe it is the bird feeder my friend gave me last summer?

DeniseinVA said...

I didn't realize there were so many varieties in color. Lovely photos all of them!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...