Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Thorn Tree

When we passed this, I could hardly believe my eyes! The THORNS! Does anyone know what it is?


Reanaclaire said...

oohhh.. that must be painful when pricked... looks like this tree is too prickly to bear leaves!

Ella said...

This is not such a beautiful tree! All these terrible thorns ... It may be a "Honey locust" ... but I don't know for sure! Here you can read on Wikipedia.
Heave a nice week ahead!

Nancy Chan said...

I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that tree. Just look at the terrible big thorns.

Anni said...

Reminds me of the mini series long ago...the thorn birds. Why, I don't know.

Ann said...

I don't know what that one is but I used to have a pear tree in my back yard that had thorns on it. They weren't nearly as long as these but they hurt like heck when you tried to mow around the tree and one caught your arm.

Rose said...

I know I would not want to stumble into that one!

George said...

I think I'll just stay far away from this tree!

Tamago said...

I think I have seen a thorn tree somewhere but can't remember when or where. It looks like a kind of tree that appears in a scary movie :-) I wonder if birds would perch on those branches.
Love the quote about roses and thorns!
Happy new week to you, Ginny!

Inger said...

I've never seen thorns like that either. I have no idea what it is, all I know is -- this tree does not like visitors getting too close.

Chatty Crone said...

I do not - but the first thing I thought of was Jesus's crown of thorns he was made to wear and it saddened me.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I wouldn’t want to run into a tree like that.

LC said...

Those look lethal, as if they could reach through the Internet and jab my fingers as I type. They remind me of similar hefty thorns we saw on bushes in Israel December 1984. I can't remember the species, but the guide said they were the kind used in Jesus' crown of thorns.

Elizabeth said...

That looks scary!

DeniseinVA said...

I don't know what kind of tree this is Ginny, but those thorns are not something I would like to prune.

The Happy Whisk said...

Wow. I've never seen a tree with thorns. Great for Halloween.

Ida said...

Wow those are wicked looking thorns.

Annie Jeffries said...

Well. Now we know where His crown of thorns came from.

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh. And it might be a thorn acacia out of Africa.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...