Monday, January 17, 2022

Branches & Wires

 I guess it would be fair to say that we have been trapped today. Snowed in. This is why we could not get up to the hill when I saw the beautiful sunset. I had to snap it from the back door. So now you see why we have to go somewhere else to snap the sunsets!

If you look closely at a tree, you'll notice it's knots and dead branches, just like our bodies. What we learn is that beauty and imperfection go together wonderfully.

Matthew Fox


Rose said...

Beautiful! Well worth snapping from your back door.

Ann said...

Even your sunset photos from home are better than the view I can get from here. Everyone was pretty much snowed in here yesterday. Things should be moving again today though.

Hootin Anni said...

Imo, no need to find somewhere else, the sky is beautiful.

The Feminine Energy said...

I think sunsets through the trees are beautiful too.... in winter! Ours are the same way. When the leaves are down, for winter, we can see them pretty well... but come summer, they disappear. Keep warm & safe! ~Andrea xoxo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love it behind the trees, that is the only view from our yard of sunset or sunrise,through the trees. sorry about the snow keeping you housebound

Jeanette said...

Sunset pictures can look pretty dramatic through the trees!

DeniseinVA said...

Those are beautiful Ginny! Stay safe and warm :)

Beside a babbling brook... said...

But why aren't those branches and wires, covered with snow?????????? -smile-

Still lovely pics. And the bare branches add their own stark beauty.

What a COOL Blog Look you have made!!!

Merry Midwinter Wishes

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh from the way my house is positioned and the trees I don't get to see the sun set or rise! :(

Rajani Rehana said...

Wonderful pictures

George said...

It's still beautiful, even if you didn't get to the hill.

NanaDiana said...

Beautiful images. Even with the snow and cold I can appreciate the beauty! (most days_. Have a wonderful Tuesday- xo Diana

DawnTreader said...

Tree silhouettes can provide some drama to a photo as well, especially set against such a background!

Ruth Hiebert said...

You still managed to capture the beauty of the sunset.

Sandi said...

Gorgeous sunlight ❤️

photowannabe said...

Gorgeous anyway.
That's the way I am able to capture most of my shots too.
Sorry you are trapped . Be cozy, safe and warm. It gives you a chance to get a few around the house photos instead.

LC said...

Your sunsets are ethereal!

Mari said...

It's a pretty sunset! Hope things are soon cleared up so you can get out!

Carla from The River said...

It is still lovely... I do understand why you like to go for the drive.
Stay cozy!

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful sunset from your back door. Great quote by Matthew Fox.

Jenny the Pirate said...

But how exciting to be snowed in! It's been a long time since I've experienced that. We are due for a flake or two tonight. Hope you're doing well, Ginny xoxo

The Green Pipe House

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