Thursday, January 6, 2022

Pretty Litter

 I snapped these photos from our T.V. when a commervial was on, so you would believe me. Martha Stewart is selling designer kitty litter! What next?

So what's the deal with it? It is all white and pretty.

But apparently there is more to it than meets the eye. When kitty pees, it will turn different colors if the cat has certain medical conditions. There is even a chart showing you what color it will turn for various infections, etc.

After finding this out, I guess I will stop making fun of it. Darn!


Nancy Chan said...

That is an interesting litter box. I am sure it won't be cheap. Lol! I like the last one...FedEx Box as litter box!

Ann said...

Sounds interesting and the changing colors could be very helpful. I imagine it's pretty expensive though.
Personally I like the idea of using a FedEx

Hootin Anni said...

Weird. I'm wondering if in time, there will be a recall on it tho...harmful to pets?!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I was about to say i am surprised but then realized i am not surprised. at Martha or the litter.. the world is changing so fast it makes my head spin. I agree with Annie, it might be found to be harmful with chemicals in it

Sandi said...

But it looks like sugar and now I want to eat it.

Rose said...

I bet it costs a pretty penny, too! I love that about the Fedex box.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh my gawd!! And what's worse? There are people out there who will buy it!! *haha* ~Andrea xoxoxo

George said...

I love ethe comment about the FedEx box. I was surprised to learn about the Pretty Litter. I guess I haven't been keeping up with the latest technological advances.

Chatty Crone said...

I have seen that commercial I didn't know it changed colors, are you going to try it?

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Hey, the Old Gal will sell anything, I guess. LOL

That last *Funny* is precious!!!! Cat litter on porch and someone steals it! If I had a cat, I'd probably try that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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“Anne came dancing home
in the purple winter twilight
across the snowy places.”
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CheerfulMonk said...

Interesting about Martha Stewart, and I love the joke!

Bobbie said...

HaHaHa!! So funny! Interesting about the designer kitty litter. I had never heard about this before. I wonder how well it really works and if it is safe for kitties. I also wonder about the cost. Hmmmm...

Mari said...

Martha Stewart is into everything. Shortly before Christmas I heard she was selling replica's of the Nativity Set she made while in jail. :)
I like that joke!

DeniseinVA said...

Martha Stewart was a surprise. The kitty litter is fascinating.

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