Friday, May 20, 2022

An Unexpected Guest At the Table

 You might get unexpected guests when you have a salmon dinner. Our granddaughter is getting a dinnertime visit from her kitty Toodles.

Photo taken by our daughter-in-law Melissa.


Hootin Anni said...

Love, love,L❤️VE this photo!!!

Imogen said...

So cute, I love cats very much.

Ann said...

I read your title and then saw Anne Marie and though she had come over for dinner.
I had a cat who would do that no matter what we were having. He just loved people food. Now I'm wondering if Toodles got a little bite.

DawnTreader said...

Cute photo! :)

The Feminine Energy said...

*hahaha* Toodles smells that salmon!! What a darling picture, Ginny! ~Andrea xoxo

Rose said...

So cute. The salmon has good advise.

George said...

What a wonderful picture. The advice is pretty wonderful as well.

Beside a babbling brook said...



And cute Blog Look!

😊 👑 💛 👑 😊

Carla from The River said...

Cute, I love that photo!
And I like the advice. :-)

Red Rose Alley said...

That is such a cute picture, Ginny. So delightful with the kitty peeking through when she's eating the salmon haha. What a great photo.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks like kitty is hoping for a taste.

Mari said...

That is so cute!!

Cheryl’s Sunlit Pathway said...

Very cute photo.
Good advice too

DeniseinVA said...

The photo is adorable! I liked the advice also.

Chatty Crone said...

Awe she is so cute and eat good for her!

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