Thursday, May 5, 2022


We saw this beautiful Great Blue Heron perched high in a tree. 


Ann said...

It looks strange to me seeing it perched in a tree. Any pictures I've seen they're usually in the water. I like the advice from a heron.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am with ann, it is not common to see them in trees, I have seen them but not a lot of them. I don't think I ever got a photo of one in a tree. he is a beauty, i love the colors of his wing feathers.. and he is one smart bird with his advice

Hootin Anni said...

I bet somewhere, there is a nest!!!

George said...

I enjoyed both your beautiful pictures and the advice.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh how beautiful! We supposedly have a lot of blue herons in our area although I've never seen many. There's even an inn named after them, a few towns over. Thank you for sharing with me about your husband, Ginny, and his issue that matched my hubby's current one. It brought my hubby a lot of comfort to hear about that, as I told him the minute I saw your comment. ~Andrea xoxo

Beside a babbling brook... said...

May 6

Beautiful bird.

Beautiful Blog Look.

Re: your question... We shop for most of our groceries, at a grocery store, where I order on line, and pick them up, at store Drive-Up place. They bring order out and put it in your car.

Why? We started, when the *Damncovid* started. It was great, to not have to shop in store. And we have continued, ever since.

Our daughter in law next door, does this also, so it is easy for her to pick up our order, if we ever could not do so.

We do shop in-store, at a couple of places, for items we prefer, from them. We go early and avoid lots of shoppers. For general safety and I don't like crowds. -smile-

For a long time, we have not worn masks, except medical places, which require them. Even there, we have them below nose, so we can breath, and not fog up our glasses, and I have had only 1 "put it over nose." LOL

And of course, as soon as I moved away from that secretary, I pulled it down again. >,-)

Why? Because they do not work! And I will not wear one, sealed all around, so carbon dioxide stays in, and I breathe it back in.

Gentle hugs,

Haddock said...

Their legs are pretty long.

photowannabe said...

Wise advice from the heron.
Great photos.

Rose said...

I love that advice!

HappyK said...

Excellent captures and a great advice to go with it. :)

Jeanette said...

Funny I don't think of herons as perching in a tree. It seems like their legs are too long to hold them steady!

roughterrain crane said...

Beautiful heron! I remembered black crowned night herons I often saw and looked over them at a web. I noticed herons belong to Pelecaniformes.

Mari said...

Those are great pics! I think they are majestic birds.
Great advice too!

Ida said...

What a gorgeous bird and your photos of it were just wonderful.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great shots of him or her.

CheerfulMonk said...


DeniseinVA said...

Great captures and great advice :)

Cheryl’s Sunlit Pathway said...

Beautiful bird. You have some awesome photos

Jenny the Pirate said...

My word, what a handsome fellow he is! Wonderful pictures of him too, Ginny! I love his advice. I always enjoy a good reed, haaahaha xoxo

L. D. said...

Beautiful bird and great shots of it.

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