Tuesday, November 7, 2023


 I was taking photos of these trees in a residential area. WHY are there so many wires and things in the way? Because I was once again unnerved by DOGS. Yes, they were watching me again.

And just see the look the dog on the right is giving me! He bothered me more than the cute white dog. Well, how did I know the window wasn't open? At least they were in their own home this time.


DeniseinVA said...

The lines will one day disappear I hope as technology advances. Still gorgeous photos! Those dogs again! You know, though I love them dearly, I have had a few traumas with them, one particularly when I was nine and ended up at the hospital when a friend’s dot bit me. This is an excellent post for what if. You just never know.

DeniseinVA said...

Typo, that should have said a friend’s dog.

Ann said...

Those darn lines are always in the way. That one dog does seem to be giving you the evil eye.

Mari said...

Beautiful trees! I hate those wires too.
Cute dogs - he's giving you the side eye!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

People are afraid of Beau and were of Big ad they were as gentle as lambs. I did not know about your fear of dogs. if those dogs were a problem you would know because they would be barking and snarling. not calming watching. the window is their Television. it is what it is though. sorry they messed with your photos.

George said...

The wires didn't detract at all from the beautiful color you captured.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Sometimes I like power lines in pictures, but only against the sky! Those dogs are giving you the evil eye for sure, haaha! xoxo

Carla from The River said...

Ha, good capture of the dogs Ginny. ;-) The evil eye.. Ha Ha!!

photowannabe said...

You captured beauty even with the wires.
I have to admit that I am unnerved by many dogs, due to scary experiences when I was younger.
That dog on the right does seem to be giving you the evil eye.

roentare said...

The colours are just fabulous

Debby said...

Are those the same dogs in the car the other day?
They look very protective.

I'd say the color of these trees is a Glorious orange.

HappyK said...

I walk with pepper spray just encase one of those dogs come after me. I've yet to use it but I feel good carrying it with me.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry you've had bad experiences with dogs...no wonder they're scary for you. I agree with Sandra, I'm pretty sure that for these the window was their television. Tempi and Zoe like to sit and look out the window too.

Billie Jo said...

I love those tree photos!!!!!!! And here is a secret... I don't like dogs. Only my own!!!!!!! Big ones like that terrify me. Have a cozy evening, my friend.

Red Rose Alley said...

How I love to see the Autumn foliage in your area, Ginny. You know, my mom was bothered by a dog one time growing up, and ever since then, she was always cautious of them. But I've had dogs in most of my homes, and they were always pretty gentle when they become part of the family. But I know what you mean, dogs out there in the world that we don't know can be scary just by their growl and aggressiveness.


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Thank you blog admin.

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