Tuesday, November 21, 2023


 Today we lost our sweet beautiful kitty Simba. We have been in tears all day. Also, Phil has gotten sick. He is getting tests at the doctor tomorrow to determine if he has Covid. So this is an awful week for us. I will be taking a blog break to deal with everything. I will be back shortly, whenever I feel better. Simba used to sit by his food dish with one paw raised up asking for food. He was always a gentle boy.

Rest in peace, Sweet Simba. Your pain is over.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh Ginny, I grieve with you. I know that special bond and love our kitties and dogs give to us. It’s good your husband was tested. Praying for you both during a hard time. God bless you and consider yourself hugged by me.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sad about Simba, that's heartbreaking. And I hope Phil gets better fast. That's such a sweet picture of Simba.

Mari said...

Oh Ginny, I am so sorry. Simba was a beauty and I know how hard it is to lose our furry friends. Praying for you in this loss and also that Phil is better soon.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh no! I am so sorry to hear about Simba Ginny, and with Phil getting possible Covid? A dreadful week for you! I'll be praying for you all and feel better soon Phil! I'll keep checking in. Sending lots of hugs.

Elephant's Child said...

I am visiting from DeniseinVA"s blog. My heartfelt sympathies. I know that pain - and I hope that Phil is better quickly.

diane b said...

Sorry for your los and the bad week. Hope you all improve soon.

Ann said...

Oh Ginny I am so very sorry for your loss. What a sweet boy. I love the photos of him. Cherish the memories.
I hope Phil is better soon.

NanaDiana said...

What an awful week for you, Ginny. My heart aches for you. It is so hard to lose a pet and then to have Phil sick on top of that....it's too much. Love and hugs- Diana

MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for Phil, and you know how I feel, that I feel your pain even though not there. Goodbye sweet Simba, run free from pain. hugs to you Ginny

George said...

I'm sorry to hear about both Phil and Simba. I hope Phil does not have Covid and is feeling better soon. I know how much you will miss Simba.

Jeanette said...

Oh Ginny! I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Simba. Its so hard to lose one of our fir family! I hope Phil is ok and feeling better soon. Prayers for you.

photowannabe said...

(((hugs))) so sorry Ginny for the loss of your sweet Simba.
Praying Phil feels better soon.
Blessings this Thanksgiving.

Carla from The River said...

Ginny, sending hugs and prayers.
A very difficult week, praying Phil is well soon!!! And that you stay healthy.
RIP Sweet Simba.

HappyK said...

Oh I'm so very sorry to hear about Simba.
Hope Phil is feeling better real soon.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I'm so sorry about your sweet Simba, Ginny. I'm visiting from Denise's blog. I hope your dear one is doing better soon. Seems that Covid will be around us for a while. Take care.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh no, Ginny, I am so, so sorry to hear about Simba.
Just said a prayer for peace and comfort for you and Phil, as well as for a quick recovery for him from whatever he has, and that you would not catch it.
May the Lord touch you both where you need His touch the most, and bless you with a special blessing tomorrow (Thanksgiving day) that lifts you hearts.

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm so sorry you lost your Simba, Ginny. Pets become a big part of our family. He looks so comfy laying on the couch. The rainbow is beautiful.


Rose said...

Ginny, I am so sorry for your loss! And sorry you are going through such an awful time.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I'm very sorry for your loss.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh sweet precious Simba! You will be missed by your family every single day. xoxo

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