Monday, November 6, 2023

Release The Hounds!

 Coming out of the grocery store with a cart full of bags, we found this car parked next to us.

Well, one look at us and they went nuts. Barking loudly, snarling, growling. They may look happy in my photos, but believe me, they were out for blood. And look at how wide the window was opened! They could have gotten out easily with a bit of wiggling. We were terrified. And still had all the groceries to unload.

Why bring your dogs to the store, then leave them in the car? It is very stressful for the dogs, who get worked up at everyone who passes, and also for the poor people parked nearby. I see no good reason.

“A dog’s bark is more than just a sound, it’s a sentinel standing guard.”

– Unknown


CheerfulMonk said...

That's too bad they weren't as friendly as they look in the photos. I agree that was stressful for everyone.

roentare said...

These two duo look so cute! But can be aggressive too

Ann said...

With all the things you see on the internet about not leaving a dog in a car alone, I'm amazed by all the people who still do it. I also don't understand taking your dog with you if you're going shopping. That does look like enough room for either one of those dogs to get out. Yesterday I was at Walmart and saw a car with a dog in it. Their windows were down about that much too. The dog could have easily escaped but he was very calm and only sat there looking at me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are beautiful, and the one on the left looks like what Beau would have looked like when he was younger. In Florida leaving dogs in the car even in winter is a death wish for the dogs. People are crazy. We NEVER have ad NEVER will leave one of our dogs in a car alone. once in a while I run in for one item we need, but Bob stays with Beau. it is bad for the safety of the dogs and humans. they were probably barking for petting but you never know. plus there are many humans that are terrifed of dogs, my friend here is scared of dogs and has never been in our house because we have a dog. next time, let Phil move the car away, had to be one side to get in and drive it away to another spot.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I agree. It's very upsetting for everyone.

Shug said...

They are very pretty dogs, but I can see that they look like they have have been trained to guard. I've never understood why you would bring dogs to the grocery store and leave them in the car/truck. I see it all the time at our local grocery.

Mari said...

That would have scared me too!

photowannabe said...

That would have scared me too. Like everyone else said..why bring the dog to sit in the car while one shops? Seems pointless and so many dogs get worked up not pleasant for anyone.

HappyK said...

I agree, leave the dogs at home unless someone will stay in the car with them.

DeniseinVA said...

I agree, as much as I love dogs that is not very considerate. They are very territorial and the aggression is troubling. Not fair to them but most definitely not fair to you or any other person who is parking nearby. Perfect quote to go with your post.

Jeanette said...

Definitely would have made me nervous. I've taken to carrying pepper spray when I walk in our community because there is one particular dog that snarls at me when I walk by and he's out. If he were to get off his chain I would be in trouble!

Jenny the Pirate said...

You're right; they are asking for trouble to leave two dogs like that unattended and able to get out of a window. Maybe they know (or think they know) that the dogs will NOT jump out of the window, but that didn't help you any! xoxo

Red Rose Alley said...

That is a really good question you brought up about the dogs. Sorry you had this experience at the store. Sounds scary and awful.


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